The 2017 Annapolis Wednesday Night Racing season is off to an interesting start ...
First Race - No wind / Race cancelled
Second Race - Not our best showing, a very rare "DFL"
Third Race - No wind / Race cancelled
Since Xiberger was already rigged for this now cancelled third race in Series I, we loitered near the starting line, enjoyed some beer and addressed onboard network/compute items with new software and the B&G 5000 computer. The Pride Of Baltimore came past us, winds kicked up a bit, the Woodwinds were setting sail as well ....
So, we decide to hoist the main, jib came out and before we knew it we were flying the chute. Very nice relaxing sail while everyone had a beer in hand.
IMG_0183 IMG_0185 IMG_0199 IMG_0201 IMG_0202 Fun evening, had a nice dinner at the Eastport Yacht Club where everyone got to meet my mom (visiting from Germany). Very nice evening!
Here is some great video footage from last weeks' race. Xiberger had some decent coverage around video timer: 00:31 (Julian & Dave on bow), 6:03 (Spinnaker Douse, decent rounding)