Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller: Blog en-us Copyright (C) Andreas Mueller [email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:11:00 GMT Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:11:00 GMT Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller: Blog 120 101 Heinrich Maneuver This past weekend a few of my buddies and I had a mini BMW Airhead Tech Day at my house.  We had fun rebuilding the brake master cylinder on my '81 BMW R100CS.  We also played around with the mount of my Heinrich Fuhrmann tank, and modifying the seat cowl, so that the seat could still be removed with the tank in place.  Here is a short video we made for the tank & bike's previous owner.  "The Heinrich Maneuver"

Heinrich Maneuver

We also needed a few parts, so we stopped by Bob's BMW where RJ swung his lake over the R18 while I waited on my parts.


We stopped in and said "Hi" to Bob for a few minutes, then headed back to the house to continue working on the bike.


Bob's office is a "museum" full of neat BMW memorabilia

IMG_1430IMG_1430 Here a few more pictures of the Heinrich Fuhrmann tank

IMG_1460IMG_1460 IMG_1446IMG_1446 IMG_1447IMG_1447 IMG_1454IMG_1454 IMG_1457IMG_1457 IMG_1441IMG_1441 We still have to get the carburetors sorted, and then the bike should be back on the road. 


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Airhead BMW Bobs Bob's Day fender Fuhrmann heinrich Heinrich Maneuver Karl Maichingen police R100CS tank Tech Techday tool tray Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:08:33 GMT
MD VEIP Rant This is going to fun!

I have to admit, I think the Maryland Vehicle Emissions Inspection is largely just another "tax", but I abide by laws so begrudgingly I take my vehicles every two years using the self service kiosk, which can be frustrating - but hey, in the end it does seem to work and saves $4.00.

This morning I decided to take my truck (which i rarely drive these days) to the VEIP test site. After several attempts with the fvcking credit card reader, I finally was able to proceed and run the test. Yay me! Oh not so fast tough guy. Got some communication failure message, turn vehicle back off, disconnect and re-connect test cable, turn engine on again ....


And again, test seems to proceed, finally prompts me to turn engine off, disconnect test device, etc. Completed all and then I get this final message that "The kiosk is not able to communicate with your vehicle, fee will be refunded, blah blah".  


Ok, so totally frustrated, I now line up at the test line, of course I'm early, place is not open yet, so wasting my fvcking time ...

Test site opens, I'm first in line, pull the vehicle in, explained that I had self-service kiosk issues.  Guy assured me he'll have me in an out in no time.  And bam, his equipment could not communicate and "test" my vehicle.  He asked if I drive it much, I said I never drive it. His reply "Yeah, there is no driving history, you didn't pass or fail, we'll credit back your fee, drive the vehicle for 2 weeks or so and then bring it back." He sent me to the office so that I could get an extension since I would be past due if I drive it for the next 2 weeks. 

REALLY?  What are you testing for?  I thought this was to test emissions?  Wouldn't that be right here, right now, what emissions is my vehicle emitting?  Very interesting. Should this be concerning?  What "other" data about my driving history are you pulling? 

I think I'm not going to let this go citing the following:

1. If I don't drive my vehicle, it is not emitting anything  - PASS

2. Can the State of MD mandate how much or how little I drive my registered and insured vehicle?  I think not - PASS

3. Test the vehicles' emissions.  Don't "test" my driving history. - PASS

I will update this as warranted.  Curious to see how far I can take this ...  





[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) data driving emissions fail failed history inspection lack maryland md of tax vehicle veip Fri, 26 Mar 2021 17:26:04 GMT
C'mon US Postal Service .... You can't do better then that? Getting so incredibly frustrated.  I treated myself to my first Drone ever, a DJI Mavic Air 2.  I often look to eBay for some deals and seemingly found one advertised as a "Fly More" combo, which includes add'l batteries, a car charger, ND filters, etc. 

Asked the Seller for Serial Number, since I thought I needed that to register the Drone with the FAA (turns out you don't need a SN). So I registered as a recreational Drone pilot on 11/27/2020, since the Drone was to arrive on 11/29/2020.  (The seller did a great job shipping it so quickly).

And this where things get bogged down.  After 1 1/2 days (item shipped from Plainfield, IN on 11/27/2020 - 12:10pm) it arrived in Hyattsville MD. Excellent, figured it should arrive in another day or two.  

Yeah, not so fast Cowboy ...  After several days I decided to check the tracker again, and the package is now heading to VA?  I live in MD - last I checked.  Item is addressed to be delivered in MD.  Uhhh - WTF?

As soon I saw the package heading to VA, I opened a Customer Service Inquire with the USPS (Where is my package, why is it going to VA when it was in MD 9where I live).  So far, I got SILENCE ....


I will update this further as needed.  Very frustrated!


9 Dec 2020 update:

On Sat 12/5 I received this email from USPS as a reply to the customer inquiry I created

Your package was missent to VA it was processed back out of VA on 12/1/20. Right now we do have some parcel delays and you may not see an update for a few days. Plwase be patient we are working to get parcels delivered as soon as possible.

eBay tracking info was updated as follows


In the meantime all I have is this ...

This morning I opened another customer service inquiry, asking for a tracking update, since supposedly the package has left VA (how does the USPS person know this?  There is no information that would support this "claim".  Felt like an email just to "shut up" the customer for a few days, and it worked! (well, until this morning anyway).  Update to follow.








[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Air2 DJI entity government inefficient Mavic Postal Service US USPS Where is my package Fri, 04 Dec 2020 17:53:24 GMT
2020 Spin Sheet Century Club Quest

This year (2020) I will attempt to join the Spin Sheet Century Club by spending 100+ Days on the water. This will be my personal journal as I complete this quest.  Exciting to see how many different vessels and trips this will turn into and the great memories made.

Day 1:  Rig rescue on "Elias"  (Omar's Hunter 33)

Day 1: Elias Rig rescueDay 1: Elias Rig rescue1/16/2020

Day 2: Two Frostbite Races on "Five O'Clock"  (Mike's O'day 40) 

Day 2:  Frostbite on Five O'ClockDay 2: Frostbite on Five O'Clock

Day 3:  An outing on "Triple Threat"  (Tim's Corsair 43 Tri)

Day 3: Triple Threat 2Day 3: Triple Threat 2

Day 4:   Sunset Sail on Triple Threat

Day4 Triple SunsetDay4 Triple Sunset

Day 5:  Sunset sail on Five O'Clock

Day5 From BowDay5 From Bow

Day 6: Late afternoon run to City Dock to watch Dublin 5 as part of the St. Patty's day celebration.

Day6 1Day6 1

Day 7:  beautiful sail across the bay on Five O'Clock

Day 7 IMG-7619Day 7 IMG-7619

Day 8: Irish Rowing Training  - Getting school'd by Egan and Brad.  Fun time, a good workout!

Day8 IMG-7684Day8 IMG-7684

Day 9:  Maintenance Day on Triple Threat.  Bowsprit install, Rigging & winch maintenance

Day 9 AllenDay 9 Allen

 Day 10: Sunset sail on 'Wiggy Wiggy"

Day 10 Wiggy WiggyDay 10 Wiggy Wiggy

Day 11: 

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 100 2020 430 annapolis bay boating Century Century Club Chesapeake Club Corsair Days sailing Sheet Spin Spin Sheet threat Tri triple Triple Threat water Thu, 05 Mar 2020 17:26:20 GMT
Finally Stopped .... For weeks I have gone past the local Audi Dealership which currently has an amazing sports car on display. I promised myself many times to stop, but always came up with "internal" excuses, like - "No, I should really head to work", or - "I don't like some of the signage around to the car", or - "I wished the car's doors were not flipped open".

This morning I listened to no such excuses and finally stopped.  So glad I did ... Of course i only had my cell phone with me.  I am very certain I will return with the "good gear".

this is the Audi R18 E-Tron Quattro No.2 Winner 24H Le Mans in 2013, raced by Audi Sport Team Joest A.McNish.
What an amazing machine ... 

R18 1R18 1 R18 2R18 2 R18 3R18 3 R18 4R18 4

I will post additional picture which can be seen here


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 24 audi automobile car Du e-tron Germany Heurs hours joest Joest A. McNish Joest McNish LeMans Mahle Mans McNish of quattro R18 race Rennwagen Thu, 16 Jan 2020 17:48:59 GMT
R80GS - R65LS 40th Anniversary Celebration, Harleysville, PA Todd and Laura once again invited some BMW motorcycle enthusiasts to their homestead in Harleysville, PA.  We once again celebrated the 40th Anniversary of two of Hans Muth inspired BMW models, the R 80/GS and the R 65 LS.  Hans Muth, George "Schorsch" Martin, Udo Gietl, Dr. George Frazier, Tom Cutter, Bob Henig, Karl Meyers and Armond Ensanian were in attendance and also presenters for various sessions. The number of R 65 LS's on hand was astounding. Never seen so many in one location. Met so many new friends and reacquainted with old ones. It was an Epic event.  

I packed up the '93 R 100 GSPD and headed towards Harleysville, taking the scenic Eastern Shore ride from Annapolis, MD. Packing the bike was a bit of a challenge, considering I took 3 cameras and the associated batteries, chargers, to take photos of this event. Of course I packed a few malted beverages so Endeavour was loaded down a bit. I felt quite a bit of buffeting that I don't get on my Triumph Tiger, might have to get a bigger wind screen after all. Admittedly, the ride was felt more solid on the ride home with malted beverages having been properly disposed off days prior.

IMG_1149-2IMG_1149-2My Ride, 1993 R100GSPD Arrived at Todd's, checked in with Laura and Ken, setup camp while enjoying a cold beer. RJ soon arrived, we hung out while he setup his tent next to mine and we had a chance to get caught up on things. Pretty sure it was Hot Dogs and Chili for dinner, met up with more good friends and had a nice evening by the fire. Dave Good and I looked at so many old rally photographs he has digitized and on his phone.  I saw quite a few of Unca Norm and his R100RS "Leiser Blitz", which has been in my possession for a few years now.  

Friday morning Hans and the entire entourage arrived,  we all were treated to Todd's ribbon cutting ceremony for the Dedication Ceremony of the Bavarian Bike Barn.  Hans cut the ribbon, and we all got to follow Hans in to see the AMAZING effort Todd and team has put into displaying the many bikes Todd has in his collection. One would not believe the transformation of the barn from two years ago. The day proceeded with Hans giving a great presentation on the overall design concept of the R80/GS. It soon became apparent why Schorsch (owner of the largest BMW Dealership in Germany) was attending this event. I do hope that I'm reciting Hans properly here .... in a nutshell: Hans left BMW and therefore was not able to see his R80/GS go into full production without his further guidance on the final design.  Schorsch and Hans have worked on the GS800 - THAT is what Hans envisioned for the R80/GS.  When Hans and Schorsch unveiled the GS800 in front of all of us there was a palpable gasp coming from the audience. Frankly, this bike is "stunning", it is what BMW should have built.  Schorsch's Dealership will build one of these for you! Oh my, that is tempting ....

Dr. George Frazier gave a great presentations on his numerous" Travel Around The World" experiences.  How one has the stones to make this happen is beyond me.  Wish I could do that.  The memories one surely gathered have to be priceless. Greg used an R80/GS he calls "Ugly Helga" during some of these travels. Quite the machine.

Tom Gietl, Bob Henig from Bob's BMW and Tom Cutter took the podium next, All three skillfully answered many audience questions on various topics, including bike mechanical / preservation and restoration considerations.

Later in the afternoon Hans signed autographs and talked to many of the enthusiasts present.  I can only wish to have his stamina when I am in my 80's.



We had a fantastic catered German inspired evening meal.  The evening/night was spent drinking good whiskey around the fire.

Saturday morning we started with paying special homage to Rocky. Rocky was in search of an R90S, of course with Karl Duffner's involvement, finding a suitable copy took some time.  When he finally got his R90S, he wanted Todd to organize a R90S "Day of Camaraderie". So in 2014, we had the first 40th Anniversary event and they seemingly get more incredible each year. Thank you Rocky for wanting an R90S!  Thank you Karl for helping him find one.  Thank you Todd for tying this altogether!

The festivities proceeded with another presentation given by Hans about the R 65 LS and what decisions led to its' design.  It was a great presentation, Hans outlined the many interesting design features we sort of take for granted I suppose.  Hearing Hans point these out, makes me view this bike in an entirely different light.

There were more presentations during the afternoon, most notably by Tom Cutter, Karl Meyers and Armond Ensanian.

We also managed a photo shoot with Hans and Schorsch, the GS800, a beautiful R80/GS owned by Dave and an R65LS were placed near the fire pit which provided a pleasing backdrop. Schorsch being ever playful wanted to give Hans a ride on the GS800, those would have been some great shots!

The rest of the day was spent with hanging out with our special guests.  More autographs were signed, machinery looked at, beverages consumed, friends' made. 

I was able to sneak Hans away for a bit, so we could hang out with RJ and take a few photos (photo credit goes to RJ)

P1440745-2P1440745-2 P1440748-2P1440748-2 I got to fly Dave's drone with his supervision, while RJ wrenched on his bike for a bit. Just a wonderful event.  In the evening we were treated to some great Accordion music, which Hans and Schorsch enjoyed as well.


Sunday morning was special, in that Todd was leading a ride as part of the Motorrad Vintage Fescht, AND Hans and Schorsch would come along for the ride.  RJ and I stuck around to see off this Motely Crew, then headed home ourselves.

While the boys were out playing around, Laura and i had some phone photographing her beautiful Aussie's.  Yes Ken that is your tent and chair!  LOL

P1440917-2P1440917-2 P1440924-2P1440924-2 RJ had a nice ride home, split up after lunch and each mushed on to our respective homesteads.  parking the bike, I reflected on another great motorcycle related event, possibly the best one yet.  Seeing Hans again, expanding on our friendship, and having a second bike in my collection with the iconic "Hans A Muth" signature is pretty cool!

P1440945-2P1440945-2 P1440946-2P1440946-2  Some of my photography for this event can be found by clicking here

In 2017, Todd and Laura hosted a similar event, dedicating the 40th Anniversary of the R100RS.  I rode Serial Number 40 to this event, and finally got to meet Hans.  Photographs of this rally can be found by clicking here

Thank you Todd & Laura.  Thanks to all that helped make this event one that will not be forgotten.  Top Notch!    

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) airhead BMW Bob Henig classis George Hans Hans A. Muth Martin motorcycle Muth R100GSPD R65 R65LS R80 R80 GS R80GS Schorsch Tom Cutter vintage Fri, 06 Dec 2019 19:40:44 GMT
Assateague Island Spent a few days camping on Assateague Island National Sea Shore's campground.  Beautiful spot, celebrated the birthday of a very special person in my life. Went out on a few photo excursions to capture some of the local wild life including the wild horses.  Made some great meals over the open campfire, spent time with good friends.  

Click here for more images

DSC_9211DSC_9211Assateague Island National Seashore (U.S. National Park) DSC_9119DSC_9119Assateague Island National Seashore (U.S. National Park) DSC_9360DSC_9360Assateague Island National Seashore (U.S. National Park) DSC_9565DSC_9565Assateague Island National Seashore (U.S. National Park) IMG_1497-2IMG_1497-2Assateague Island National Seashore (U.S. National Park) IMG_1502-2IMG_1502-2Assateague Island National Seashore (U.S. National Park)    

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) assateague beach campground camping capella cooking eastern island kayaking maryland md national ph sand sea shore sun sunrise Sun, 27 Oct 2019 16:35:06 GMT
1977 BMW R100RS keeps on ticking Finally got the R77 (1977 BMW R100RS) back out for a spin.  It's getting increasingly harder to exercise and run the four bikes I now have.  But always a joy.  After many months of sitting in the garage, I was a bit surprised she fired right up, took her for a ride to my local watering hole.  

IMG-8728IMG-8728 IMG-8730IMG-8730

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1977 6180040 airhead bmw hans keeps motorcycle muth on r100rs r77 ticking wings Wed, 19 Jun 2019 13:47:48 GMT
2019 Annapolis Yacht Club WNR Xiberger Race Log Series 1

2019 - Team Xiberger is looking forward to another year of good racing. One major crew change is the loss of Warren since he relocated to NM.  

Series 1, Race 1:  4/DNC

Four of our crew are still in Ireland, boat did not compete

Series 1, Race 2:  4th

I was still in Ireland, did not race.  Xiberger got a fourth, results were being contested.

(minimal coverage, Xiberger at counter 9:30)

Series 1, Race 3:  4th

Finally on the boat racing again, interesting race, seemed like there was some confusion on which course to race.  We hoisted the protest flag, no idea where we finished.  Great post race party christening August Moon.

Series 1, Race 4:  [6th]

Tore the starboard car off of the jib track about 5 mins before the start. M:I-2 skipper yells over to us to "McGywer that shit", so we did.  This probably adversely affected our start, another fairly intense affair.  We made up some ground on the long run to Hacketts.  Julian assisted with keeping the jib sheet in place by standing on it.  Interesting moment in the mooring field, when Kalevala was taken up by a Viper and almost collided with a big moored Trawler.  Fun at Pusser's for some Painkillers afterwards.

(good footage at counter 1:03, 3:14)

Series 1, Race 5:  4th

With both starboard and port cars rebuilt we set off from the dock promptly at 17:30.  Crew assignment were shoveled with only the skipper slot being unchanged.  I found myself doing starboard jib trim and really like that position.  Assisted here and there in the pit when needed. Sadly during our rounding Abientot rammed us from behind, leaving some railing and fiberglass hull damage (on both boats).

(good footage at counters 1:01, 2:35, 9:30 and 10:12)

Series 1, Race 6:

Race got cancelled due to thunderstorms which past us to the north (never materialized) 


Series 2

Series2, Race 1:  [3rd]

Good race, Chuck was on-board to help out with general sail trim (and we made many minute adjustments).  Most exciting event was Aftershock's boom sweeping across out port side, damn near taking out our chute trimmer (he threw himself onto the deck and the boom missed him by mere inches it seemed). Aftershock's Skipper continued to smoke his cigar and was in total denial/oblivion that anything had even been remote dangerous.  WTF.  Race through the mooring field was interesting, weather is taking a turn, storm is brewing up.  Fun post-race gathering for food and drink at EYC.  

Series 2, Race 2:  2nd

Good race, can't remember much about it.   (no coverage) 

Series 2, Race 3: 2nd

Good race, can't remember much about it.

Series 2, Race 4: 1st

Boat is finally running as we are more accustomed to. I skipped this race for personal reasons.   (coverage @ 0.42, 


Series 3

Series 3, Race 1: 1st 

Another Race where everything seemed to work well for us.   (coverage 2:19, nothing after that). 

Series 3, Race 2: 2nd

Good race, light winds, light on crew (7), lots of discussion about Rattle and Rum's rating and sail setup. Mike ran the foredeck, Bill on Main and tactics, Jim and Don on Jib and Chute trim, Don did mast pit, Malinda in the sewer, Harald at the helm, I ran the pit with Bill's help.  Bummed I lost my Oakley's at the dock post-race.  Which Harald found by dragging a net across the mucky bottom on Saturday!  Yay.

coverage  0:34, 1:38, Xiberger in Background behind Mike Beasley's Rattle & Hum.  Some nice post-start drone coverage.  Watch the J105 start at counter 2;43 - WOW.  Bump at 6:15 - literally.  Xiberger @ 7:09, 11:00 Xiberger in background with blue, red & white kite), 11:20

Series 3, Race 3:  Cancelled midway through race.

Worst start of the season .... We were just about to set the chute at the far weather mark, radio comes to life, Race Committee is cancelling due to weather concerns. Why they even started us is beyond me.  We started the race with one reef in the main, dropped sails as soon as we got the cancel call. Some other boats must not have gotten the memo or wanted to practice some heavy air sailing.  We saw at least one boat with its kite flying some halyard lengths behind their boat. 32knts of wind, pelting rain, lightening.  And then as things go, it turned a nice evening. Here a few pictures.

(Xiberger mention at 02:30, drone coverage also showing our terrible start)




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[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 2019 annapolis cape club fear night racing regatta sailing wednesday xiberger yacht Thu, 16 May 2019 14:31:30 GMT
A visit to Irv's Basement Bar IMG-9519IMG-9519 Some places are iconic and legendary. Irv's Basement Bar in Pasadena is one of those places. Pay him a visit while he is still tending bar - you will not regret it!

We were pre-gaming my birthday, and arrived at Irv's around noon, finding the basement bar closed.  No problem, my buddy peeked through the screen door and caught Irv sitting at his kitchen table having a bowl of oatmeal. Being ever polite my buddy asked if Irv would be so kind as to pour us a drink, Irv obliged muttering something about "Damn Early Birds" and came out to open the basement bar.

IMG-9470IMG-9470 IMG-9472IMG-9472


My first "impression" was the musty smell as one entered the bar. Irv turned on a few lights, and one could now clearly see the insane amount of bras and various other undergarments stapeled to the ceiling. These all were left by visitors, reminded me a bit of the Elbow Inn at Devil's Elbow in Missouri my buddy and I visited on a motorcycle trip while partially retracing Route 66. There is a long bar, a great jukebox (play it - it sounds fantastic!) and a pool table, "graffiti" is everywhere. 

IMG-9491IMG-9491 IMG-9477IMG-9477

I have to admit, I'm a bit of a beer snob, craft beers are not on the beer menu here ... I ended up joining my girlfriend for a Vodka and Sprite, when Irv makes a drink he literally measured the amount of Vodka using a shot glass.  We chatted with Irv for quite a while, what a nice person (albeit perhaps being a little too fond of the Lady's), but heck - the guy is 96 yrs old)!   



Irv told us that he was recently featured in America's Best Dive bars, and generally talked about how he and his brother established this business many decades ago. Kurtz Beach was quite popular, but has fallen out of favor when the Chesapeake Bay Bridge opened.  It is likely the only bar of this kind yet in existence in Maryland.  The house and property could use lots of TLC, don't come here if you require a certain level of "fancy", you won't find it here.  




I'm fairly certain this is a cash only establishment, so bring cash and watch Irv still use his old cash register.  I have only been here for day drinking, cannot speak to what this place would be like at night, will have to plan a trip up in the evening sometime.


  Neat place - go and visit. I'm already making plans to return here soon with friends.  Just too eclectic and unique of a place not to be visited.


Oh yeah - don't come by boat ... the pier is long gone.  Apparently Irv is ok with folks bringing some food and having it on one of few picnic tables. I don't believe Irv serves food, so plan for that. IMG-9554IMG-9554



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) bar basement beer bra bras drinks graffiti irvin irv's jukebox koch maryland md pasadena pool table underwear Wed, 20 Feb 2019 15:35:31 GMT
CZ-USA Redhead Premier Target - First Impressions IMG-5276IMG-5276

I have always enjoyed spending time with my good friends on a sporting clay course followed by the obligatory lunch/drinks afterwards, with plenty of smack talk about the witnessed shooting abilities of the players on-hand.  All in good fun, of course.

I used to shoot with a Benelli 121 SL80 (12ga semi auto, 26in unchoked barrel. Only mod: thicker recoil pad to increase the LOP, Hi-Viz front sight).

While I shot decent with this shotgun, i always felt I struggled with longer range targets and attribute this to the 26 inch unchoked barrel. I do understand that part of the receiver counts towards barrel length but not ever being able to fit chokes to this gun made me look at Over/Under shotguns. Quite eye-opening how expensive the "B" gun line-up is (Blaser, Beretta, Benelli, Browning), never mind the Krieghoff, Perazzi and Caesar Guerini offerings.   

So the search for a good used "B" gun began, and while doing such research I stumbled upon a few threads discussing CZ-USA shotguns, all of which were very favorable.  Then some internal rationalizing: "Am I going to shoot 5000 rounds a year? No! Do I need to spend 3-4k on a gun? No!". I can always go that route if later I felt the need to "upgrade".

After extensive research I decided to purchase a new CZ-USA Redhead Premier Target O/U with 30 inch barrels and 5 chokes. Ordered it online (sight unseen) and had it shipped to a local FFL. As things go, I tend to continue researching post-purchase and came across various threads discussing the quality of the wood furniture on CZ's being somewhat lackluster.  Read forum entries on steps one can take to really bring out the wood grain hidden underneath the CZ finish, at the end of the day, I need it to shoot well, does not need to look pretty.  I'm generally not a fan of shiny wood stocks anyway.

After what seemed like forever, I was finally contacted by my FFL and arranged to complete the transfer at their gun store. CZ ships their shotguns in a case, which I was not aware off (but very pleased with). Removing the gun and taking the stock and barrels out of their protective purple velvet sleeves revealed an absolutely beautiful shotgun. The wood looks fantastic with nice grain, the silver aluminum receiver features simple & clean engravings. The chokes are black, I would have preferred them to be silver as pictured on most online images.  Whatever, not sweating that little detail.  Put the gun together and mounted it for the first few times, feels very natural, like the raised comb and the palm swell built into the grip.  Leaving the gun store 100% happy and excited to take it to the range.

IMG-2864_rotIMG-2864_rot IMG-2865IMG-2865 IMG-2866_rotIMG-2866_rot

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Maryland winter being what it is, it took several weeks before my buddy and I finally made it to the range. In the meantime I purchased a Plano Tactical Waterpoof case which provides much better protection for transport, then the CZ case. 


He incidentally also purchased a new O/U shotgun, Stoeger Condor Competition and we went to the range with our new guns for the very first time. And we both sucked.  Still I am 100% happy, the weight feels good, the recoil is very manageable, guns function as they should (my buddy had one failed to fire). I guess I have to get used to mine, I also attempted to shoot with both eyes open, which is very difficult for me (but really need to do so). We went shooting the second time, and I still suck.  Need to practice more and need to learn to shoot with both eyes open.  Need to go by myself, practice and figure things out.          



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 121 auto Benelli clays CZ CZ-USA O/U Over/Under Premier range Redhead semi shoot shooting shotgun SL80 sporting Target Tue, 19 Feb 2019 17:44:07 GMT
Close To Paradise Recently I had the opportunity to visit Bermuda after having participated in the Annapolis To Bermuda (A2B) offshore race.  The race itself was an adventure, I am so thankful to my skipper and crew to have been able to be a part of this race.

Being able to stay in Bermuda with Shiloh's Crew and family members was a treat.  We rented scooters and essentially explored many of the islands' sites. Here is a tease of some shots I really liked, I will add a gallery here soon.


Dark And StormyDark And Stormy First BeachFirst Beach Jobs CoveJobs Cove Jobs Cove2Jobs Cove2 LocalsLocals New KidsNew Kids One PersonOne Person Pano1Pano1 Resort1Resort1 TracksTracks WhalerWhaler


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) A2B And Annapolis Beach beautiful Bermuda blue Boston caribbean Cove Dark drink Goslings paradise Regatta Stormy water Whaler Tue, 26 Jun 2018 12:26:30 GMT
BMW Tech Day, Auburn IN Roger and his family graciously offered to hold a BMW Tech-Day at their sprawling estate near Auburn, IN over the Mother's Day weekend. This was an absolutely fantastic event, my favorite Tech-Day so far.

My long weekend began Thursday afternoon with a ride from Annapolis, MD to DuBois, PA where I met Lew and RJ at the DuBois diner near the DuBois Manor Motel.  I decided to ride the Triumph Explorer, still barely broken in with 479mi on the odometer. I need to test this bikes' "long-distance" touring capability and to see about its ergonomics and general handling characteristics while lightly loaded with camping gear and clothing for 3 days, the travelling bar, etc.  The ride to DuBois was largely uneventful, hit the usual traffic snarls around Frederick, MD. I also rode in some light rain, which in my recollection did not warrant putting on my raingear.  There was one small scare as I pulled in to get fuel, hit the throttle a bit too hard and spun the rear tire, luckily caught it in time before dumping the bike.  I immediately put the bike into "Rain" mode, lesson learnt here. Throttle input is much more tame on this setting. I was chasing the rain for several more hours, mostly able to dodge it.

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I pulled into the Motel around 8:30pm, met up with RJ and Lew for dinner.  Establishment was closing but kindly opened their doors and allowed me to order, I splurged on a delicious cheeseburger, onion rings and a cold beer.

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After we caught up and dinner was devoured we took the short ride back to the hotel and parked as obnoxious as the a-hole that double-parked their truck taking 2 spots in front of our room. (These photos were taken the following morning)

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The room was the typical low-budget affair that we treat ourselves to, it was clean and mostly functional (toilet flapper - not so much!l), The decor was probably left over from the 60's or 70's.

IMG_7385IMG_7385 P1270951P1270951 P1270954P1270954 While taking a break I noticed that RJ is able to turn his ankles about 90 degrees, he blames it on the many motel room nights with the sheets tucked in tightly at the foot of the bed (which I always kick mine so hard that my feet are not in any way constrained). Try it, can you bend your ankles like that while at rest?

IMG_7366IMG_7366  I offered to break out the bar and made us a Malibu Rum/Orange Vodka, Water and Tang mixer (sadly there was no ice to be had here). We later coined this drink to be the "Dirty Moon Putin".  It quite good - don't judge unless you tried it!

IMG_7367IMG_7367 The following morning we awoke early at 6am, stuck our noses out of the door to do a weather check, were a bit surprised how brisk of a morning it was but at least there was a visible sunrise.  We mushed on with RJ in the lead, until now on his third and final reserve I decided to get in front of him and for him to draft behind me, even is now only making 65mph or so. We took an exit and with RJ back in the lead, he passed two gas stations and kept going. Well,  for about another 1/2mile or so, until he ran out of gas. Turns out he was aiming to make an Ethanol Free Fuel gas station literally .6mi away.  After a few failed attempts to siphon fuel from the Triumph, Lew suggested that he head to the nearby Napa Auto Parts store to see what he could scrounge up.  I got on my bike to see if the advertised gas station was indeed a short distance away and open (to gauge how much fuel would have to be siphoned). It was close and open for business, so i returned with that good news.  Upon my return, Lew proudly displayed his loot (a 1 quart can of 4 Cycle Ethanol free fuel - the irony of this is funny, considering that quart cost $7, after Lew's Napa discounts).  Back on the road we made it to the gas station, filled up and i re-filled the "fuel can" in case we needed it again. Lesson learnt:  Don't fill up the can to the brim, as i did (a: it needs room to expand, b. without a funnel it is impossible to pour)  

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We skipped breakfast in order to hit the JibJab Hot Dog place in Girard, OH.  Had a nice breakfast and coffee, Lew and I were shivering a bit, I guess the 52 degrees was slowly sapping our body heat. Time to layer up and put on the rain gear (I didn't bring much else to wear).  Lesson learnt: When riding in the spring, always pack the heated vest.

IMG_7398IMG_7398 IMG_7399IMG_7399 IMG_7406IMG_7406 We pounded out the remaining miles, only stopping for fuel and short breaks.  We arrived at Roger's and pulled the bikes into his huge barn, where other attendees were already enjoying Rogers' hospitality.  The "barn" is simply fantastic and would serve as our headquarters for until Sunday. 


"Sledge" (Boxer/Mastiff mix) might just be the friendliest dog in Indiana, this was a fairly common scene throughout the weekend, Sledge looking and receiving attention from everybody in attendance. IMG_7416IMG_7416

After quick introductions and looking over the bikes already there, we cleared out 4 bikes (into the house garage nearby) so that a table and chairs could be setup for dinner, etc. Don Beverage soon arrived and the party was pretty much "on". Meet Don, the Indiana Airmarshal and an all-around great guy.  IMG_7420IMG_7420  Later, Don looked at Brian's R80/7 electrical issues.  Cool bike which has an RS fairing mounted.  Brian asked if I wanted to take the bike for a quick test ride, I gladly obliged (he had some concers about proper clutch engagement), etc. Nice to ride an airhead again after the 500+ miles on the Triumph.

P1270990P1270990 P1280115P1280115 Roger & Holly served up a nice dinner with Hot Dogs, Burgers, Chile, Macaroni salad, beans, etc.  Fantastic spread.  Roger's kids joined us in the barn with some of their friends, later we joined them around the roaring firepit. 


A good time was had by all, some of us stayed up until early Saturday morning.  Only Don & Brian pitched tents, the rest of us found floor space in the barn to inhabit - some of us in nicer style then others.

Holly served Eggs, potatoes, bacon, coffee and Bloody Mary's. And so the day started out for me ... 


Kind of funny, Saturday during the day Sledge would find and make himself a little nest in sleeping gear abandoned for the day.


After breakfast Don herded us back into the barn so that the Tech Day could commence and wrenching could start in earnest. We addressed various things on a few bikes, fork springs on the R80/7, and final drive fluid leak fix on Joel's R65LS.  There were some trailer repairs being made.

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I took a few prom photos for the family.


Others ran out to acquire more malted beverages, ice and O-rings needed for the R65 repair. It began sprinkling a bit, I tended to a few more pitures on the farm before the rains came in earnest.

P1280224P1280224 P1280226P1280226 P1280231P1280231 P1280238P1280238 P1280242P1280242 P1280246P1280246 So far we had been quite lucky with the weather.  Don decided to take his GS into a field for a bit of dirt riding, i joined in on the Triumph.  After a bit of fun we headed back to the ranch, I got lucky not to have dumped the bike as we excited the field and headed onto the gravel road.


With all bike repairs having been completed, we ordered pizza and had another fun evening of telling stories, drinking - you know the usual airhead Tech-Day BS.


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We spent hours around the fire and also ran out for a bit to assist with a flat tire. 

P1280357P1280357 Sunday morning came way too early (had some torrential downpours during the night.  I left Roger's at 08:10am in light drizzle, rode 680mi in various states of humidty / wetness.  Was home by 19:45, 1800mi on the odometer.  What a great weekend!


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) airhead airmarshal auburn bmw chicken day dog explorer farm goat in motorcycle r65ls r80/7 tech triumph xca Mon, 21 May 2018 16:47:56 GMT
PA Airmarshal SpecTech day What a great Easter weekend.  Decided to ride the new Triumph to a Spectech Spline Lube day held by the PA Airmarcshal Rob and employing some of his fine friends to put this on.  Very nice event, we had great weather and a very nice turnout.  The subject was a 1971 BMW R75/5, the transmission was removed in no time and the proper spline lube procedure was discussed.   

P1270065P1270065 P1270086P1270086



We also covered the following:

Air Filter inspection and replacement
Getting the gear box out painlessly  
Proper application of the spline lube 
Swing arm bearing greasing 
Swing arm alignment and bearing torque 
Driveshaft bolts torque  
Driveshaft boot placement 
Rear Brake adjustment
Proper Clutch adjustment
Throw out bearing cleaning and inspection

After the bike was successfully re-assembled, folks lingered and visited, looked at some of the bikes rode, etc.  Just a great event.

RJ looked over my new bike, I'm pretty sure he likes it!


There was a brief demo on how to secure a BMW transmission on a 1977 R100RS.  


Rob, RJ and I went for a nice Mexican dinner, after which Rob and I stayed until the early morning hours solving various First World problems.  Easter Sunday Rob took me to a diner for breakfast, after which we headed to Lawnview Cemetery to pay our respects to Mr. Karl Duffner. 

I had a mostly uneventful ride home, while unloading the bike I noticed that the Dealer installed aftermarket Arrow exhaust has worked itself out of the headers.  Interesting.  Put it back together, canister is now a little scratched, not 100% pleased, but it is an adventure bike, it's going to get ratty eventually.

My favorite picture from this weekend was this cool mannequin wearing a helmet and goggles.

The StoryThe StoryTotally digging this


More event photos here



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1971 a airhead airmarshal bmw day demonstrating duffner headstone karl legend lube motorcycle on pa r75 r75/5 spectech spline vintage Mon, 02 Apr 2018 04:59:00 GMT
Blue Angel 2 (2017 Triumph Tiger Explorer XCa) Ride Journal - Riding a 2017 Triumph Tiger Explorer, impressions, thoughts, modifications, etc

24 Feb 2018:

The incompetent elitist a-holes at Annapolis Rommel Hardly-Ableson (sorry fvcking auto-correct, I meant Harley-Davidson) sent me to Chesapeake Cycles when their Service Tech informed me that they could not change an innertube in my BMW wheel - Say WHAT? So I went to Chesapeake Cycles, talked to their Service Manager Vernon and he got my wheel taken care of, while I waited ... looking around the showroom, I saw Triumph's, Norton's, Victory's and Indian's. Nice selection for sure. I did however come back to the bike below multiple times (was already thinking about adding a newer BMW GS).

IMG_4468IMG_4468 IMG_4466IMG_4466

Vernon came over and we talked about the bike (a 2017 model), he answered some questions, explained all the items the bike came with. Before I knew it, I put down a deposit on this bike!  Thank you Harley-Davidson!

27 Feb 2018:

Went to Chesapeake Cycles and took the bike for a short 18 mile test ride. In all my years riding I have never owned a bike where I actually got to put all miles onto the odometer.  The '97 BMW K1100LT I purchased years ago had 80 miles on the clock when I purchased it.  This bike had 0 (OK, maybe 1 mile) on the clock.

IMG_4492IMG_4492 I returned the bike with 18 miles, albeit such a short ride, i was thoroughly impressed, instant throttle response, great brakes, decent wind protection.  Very happy.

IMG_4493IMG_4493 P1260913P1260913 I went back inside and finalized the required paperwork to complete the purchase.  While sitting down with Mike and Brad, i asked if one day i could have this banner that was hanging in their showroom.  They said "Sure, we switch these out with next years' models soon, we'll save it for you ...". Of course I was thinking: "Sure you will ...". 

IMG_4498I want this bannerI work with Epic everyday ...     

I went home happy and started to prep my garage for the arrival of the new addition. I have made the decision to sell the big '05 BMW K1200LT.  In a weird twist of Fate in all of this, my co-worker Bill is interested in the K1200LT!  This could not work out any better.  And Blue Angel gets to sort of stay in the family, since Bill and I are VERY good friends.

Bill helped me take the Triumph home, and he got a chance to see the K1200LT, I think he liked it right away ...

IMG_4505Happiness is ....Owning at least three motorcycles Bill and I agreed on a fair price and i began prepping the bike for him.  It needed a front tire, so I skipped Rommel Harley Davidson of Annapolis, and took a new tire and the wheel to Chesapeake Cycles once again. Vernon once again did not charge me for the tire replacement.  Brad also hands me the Triumph Banner I had asked about!  -WOW-  What a great place.

Over the next weeks and months I prepped Bill's bike for him.  Removed the 82nd Airborne Decal and Jump wings, installed a USB charger for him, installed the stock seat so that he could sell the Russell Day Long saddle.

Both blueBoth blue Bill and I went for a test ride and I noticed some odd electrical behavior (brake light not working, horn not working).  Wow, this is huge, need all these to be working for the Inspection.  Also noticed that the central key bag lock is not working. Noticed that the horn fuse was blown.  Ordered some fuses, when the came in, the new fuse blew right away again.  Well crap ...  did some more research, this all appears to be a common problem when the K1200LT main battery fails, it will drain another battery within the alarm unit.  Of course that battery is not replaceable.  One has to order a new alarm unit - none of this is in the budget.  Bill and I agreed that he would buy the unit, while i would give him my Multivario Tankbag (I kept it since I use it on my '77 BMW R100RS). 

MultivarioMultivario The alarm unit came, I removed the old and installed the new one, and then had all sorts of issues getting the new unit programmed with using the ignition and key fob, and the many iterations of pressing certain buttons in certain orders - while reading the instructions.  Finally Bill came over and with us working together over a few beers we finally got it (turns out our directions were slightly incorrect).  After a brief happy dance i could finally proceed and get the bike inspected. Bill needed some time to clear out space in his shed to park the bike, so neither of us were in a particular hurry to complete the transfer of ownership.

Sometime early in March i installed a USB Charger so that my phone can charge while riding the bike.  Also got the standard RAM mount and craddle to hold my phone.

11 March 2018:

Finally had a bit of time to take the Triumph for a little ride, this bike continues to impress on all levels. My only "gripe" so far is that the clutch engages a bit late, i tend to over throttle just a tiny bit, which I need to make an adjustment for (might be a setting I can change on the clutch lever).  The bike is just FUN to ride.  The brakes are incredible.  The "immediate" power on throttle input is remarkable. Cant wait to take her on the first long ride. Officially naming her Blue Angel 2.  

First Ride1First Ride1 First Ride2First Ride2 First Ride3First Ride3Naming her Blue Angel 2

31 Mar 2018:

Headed to the Airhead PA SpecTech day held at my friend's Rob's house near Philadelphia.  Event photos here  I left at 6am and noted the lowest temperature to hit 36 degrees.  Chose the more relaxing Eastern Shore route to get to Rob's. I'm still in the break-in period, so not testing performance that much. I was very disappointed to see the low fuel light illuminate with only about 150 miles on the odometer.  I also noticed the stock seat to be fairly uncomfortable.  Other then that I'm very pleased with the bike. My good friend RJ also checked out my new ride.


10 May 2018:

My last ride on the K1200LT when I took it to have it inspected.  One item of note is that the inspector remarked how clean and well kept this bike is considering its age.

last ridelast ride The same day i headed towards Auburn,  IN to attend a Tech Day on Blue Angel 2. The first day I only needed to get to PA to meet RJ and Lew, which is exactly what i did. As before, the bike is fun and a joy to ride.  The seat needs to be addressed, it is awful. The limited fuel range is actually a saving grace, can't comfortably sit in this seat for longer runs like i can on my other bikes with bigger tanks.


Squared UpSquared UpCool overhead shot

The following morning we mushed on, the only noteworthy event was RJ running out of fuel because he was stretching his mileage to get to a Ethanol Free gas station ....  We attempted to siphon some fuel from the Tiger, didn't really work.  Lew ended up buying a $9 48oz 180 octane (I'm kidding) fuel bottle, that got us to the Ethanol free gas station.  

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The other noteworthy mention is that i got to do a little off-roading when Don Beverage and I played around in a cornfield. 

IMG_7457IMG_7457 The Tech Day itself was a blast, partied quite hard, left Auburn with a huge hangover at 8am, and was home in Annapolis by 7pm.  Literally just rode tank to tank to tank.  I'm done with the seat. It's crap.  Will be looking into getting a Russell Day Long saddle (kind of standard practice for me).

20 May 2018:

The day finally came where Bill would take ownership of the '05 BMW K1200LT.  I decided to give him a little escort ride, just to make sure everything was good to go. By all accounts Bill & Izzy love this bike, which makes me so happy.

TransferTransfer So this journal will now transition to exclusively cover the Triumph Tiger.

So far i learnt that the stock seat sucks. The gas mileage sucks. The fuel range sucks. When your bike sounds really throaty, ensure the exhaust is still in one piece.

The next ride was the first "longer" two-up ride to the Party Rider gathering in Bellefonte, PA. Steph also mentioned that the rear pillion is also not particularly comfortable. Yet another reason to begin talking to the Russell folks.

belle3belle3 belle1belle1

Two-up this bike performs about as flawlessly as when i ride by myself.  We were also camping, so carried a bit of weight in all of the panniers.  Still, no issues with handling, braking, rolling on power, etc.  This bike just runs well.  All around, possibly the best bike i have owned so far.  There may however be an issue with how much weight one can carry on this bike.  The allowable max load limit seems a bit low to me at 494 lbs.  We discovered this when my buddy bought the 2018 1200 Explorer.  He and his wife wanted to go on a trip and determined that after carrying the riders in full gear, they had 20 lbs  left before they would be over the legal recommended load weight.  Granted, he and his wife are a bit heavier then my g/f and I are, but this needs to be figured in, if you are looking to purchase one of these bikes.  My buddy and I looked for options to remedy this, I suppose pulling a trailer would make most sense, but is a PITA overall.  Curious how much weight the KTM Super Duke or the BMW GS can haul?   

2 Aug 2018:   15th Annual Don Beverage Tech Day, Crown Point, IN 

Bike is packed and I snapped this quick photo at 06:40am to head to Chris's house in Toledo, where a bunch of us met up to party into the night, and then rode to Beverage's the following day (in two separate groups).


The ride to Toledo was largely uneventful, rode in rain for a while from Frederick, MD on.  Bike rides well in the rain.  I did switch the bike to the rain mode after having the rear tire step out on me when turning up onto a wet incline to turn into a gas station. The rain mode will reduce the power being able to be applied - it works well!. The rain setting also seems to lower the suspension a little (more on that later).


More to follow ...     


Installed a Vizi-Tec SupaBrake II, Taillight modulator.


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1200 2017 adventure angel Annapolis Annapolis Harley Davidson bike blue Blue Angel 2 BMW british explorer Harley-Davidson HD K1200LT KTM Super Duke motorcycle Rommel tiger triumph xca Sun, 11 Mar 2018 12:45:00 GMT
Thank You Harley Davidson! Harley Davidson continues to amaze me with their "elitist" attitude.

Sometime ago I replaced the tires on my BMW R100GSPD.  Sadly the bead on the front tire never sealed properly, resulting in a slow but annoying loss of tire pressure. 

I figured that by installing an intertube, this problem would be resolved.  So I removed the front wheel, and decided to take it to a local Harley dealer with the intertube I had purchased.

IMG-4464IMG-4464 I walked up to the service counter and explained what I needed while holding up the spoked wheel and the inter tube. The gentleman replied: "Is it off of a Harley?" I truthfully proclaimed that it wasn't, and wondered why THAT would matter (it's a friggin wheel - for crying out loud).

Anyway, he responded with: "Sorry man, it's not off of a Harley, we can't do it".  WOW - amazing ... I turn to walk out with a "WTF" look, just before reaching the door, the service guy suggests I try Chesapeake Cycles just down the street.

I did go to Chesapeake Cycles, explained to Vernon at the service counter what I needed, and he asked if I would like to wait while they tended to it right then and there.

What happens when a motorcycle enthusiast looks around in a motorcycle shop?  I began looking at this 2017 Triumph Tiger 1215 XCA.  Vernon came over, answered a few questions and demonstrated a few of this bikes' features. IMG_4465IMG_4465

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I soon found myself sitting down and finalizing the purchase of this bike by putting down a deposit, thereby securing the price and 0% finance offer, while also giving me ten days to think about this.

With my wheel work having been completed, I wanted to pay for this service, and Vernon insisted that there was no payment due - WOW.  In another interesting twist to this day, the wheel off the BMW i took in for service, is one manufactured by Akront. The wheels on the Triumph I plan to buy, are also manufactured by Akront! 


IMG-4474IMG-4474  In closing:

Thank you Harley Davidson!  Thank you for being such elitist a-holes, forcing me to look elsewhere to complete a simple maintenance item. Thank you for being incompetent to work on bikes other then Harley's, for leading me to Chesapeake Cycles and making me open my eyes to bikes other then BMW's. I own four BMW's, and look forward to introducing another brand into my motorcycle life.

Ok, gotta run and test ride this bike.  Maybe if I don't like it, I'll buy a Harley instead - yeah right - FAT chance.

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) akront Annapolis bmw chesapeake cycles davidson dealer elitist explorer harley indian inter motorcycle Rommel Rommel Harley Davidson tiger tire triumph tube victory wheel xca Tue, 27 Feb 2018 19:48:23 GMT
1917 Lee Enfield SHTLE Mk III* Trying to do a little bit of research on a Lee Enfield rifle I purchased years ago at a gun show. When I left active duty military service I thought it would be neat to begin a collection of the "go to" infantry rifles from various conflicts.  My collection started with the rifle listed here, a 1917 Lee Enfield Short Mk III*  (but then partially converted back to a III).  It is chambered for the British .303 cartridge, the action is the smoothest of just about any bolt action rifle I have used. The rifle is very accurate and packs a bit of a recoil, a formative infantry rifle for sure.

I would love to know a bit more about the various markings on this rifle, especially the ones that might indicate if this rifle has been issued to units that actually might have seen action during WWI (or WWII).  If anyone has knowledge about the potential military history of this rifle after seeing some of the markings, please let me know.


So, here is what I have gathered so far:

Make: Lee-Enfield, Year: 1917, Model: SHT Mk III* (but partially converted back), Sn: 24183, Receiver: SSA

And immediately it gets fuzzy. I believe there was an asterisk symbol after the III which has been struck through.  From what I gather, this means that this rifle was converted back to an MK3 in some regard. Mine does not have the magazine cut-off, but it does have the volley sight.


The receiver is stamped SSA (Standard Small Arms), with additional markings stamped above the SSA that I can't decipher (I suppose these were added when it was refurbished)? I did find some decent information that Alan referenced here:  further detail on Standard Small Arms


Opposite the SSA there are these markings: The left wristband marking indicates RIF 1924, which I assume to indicate some sort of "factory refurbish" activity?  Refurbished where?  What parts in particular? This of course could indicate that this rifle did see some action during WWI, and required to be refurbished! 


Despite the refurbish, it appears that most parts with stamped SN's remain with this rifle.  The only non-matching Serial Number I see is on the nosecap.  Of course the existing Serial Numbers are not without issue, case in point on the image below, the "4" in 24183 appears to have been struck over.  


Also, the word "England" may have an "S" stamped over the "L".  This is interesting, as the rear volley leaf sight also appears to have an "S" above the Serial Number as you will see in a a few images below this one.  

P1260796P1260796  The bolt appears to be marked 24183 as well.

Lifting the rear sight leaf also reveals an "S" with 24183 below it (with an additional number of: 8945 with a "B" above it, but with the letter and numbers having been struck out). Still looking at the underside of the Volley Sight, there also is this stamp, which I believe reads:  EFD 9L with the broad arrow above it


On the right side of the rear sight assembly, I found the following marks:

On the nosecap I can see this Serial Number: 39818

The front sight bears this:


Since there were so many markings partially obscured by the furniture, I decided to disassemble the rifle which provided me with an almost obscene amount of additional Inspector and proof? marks on the barrel.

I would love to know what 14D35 means in the image below.  Almost as if this was another Serial Number?  This is getting confusing ...

Would love to know what the  "* N" and the '17 mean in the shot below.

So this picture below has me scratching my head:  Is that not the Ishapore marking of ERI (with a poorly struck "E")?  I suppose this would explain the import mark of "England", when the rifle came back to England?

The following image contains so much data:  On the left, the Import mark "England", struck through with the letter "S" that the Serial Number below has been renegated to be sold in the commercial market. To the right of the #3, (NP).  In the right portion of the image, we again see the "S" above the 24183 Serial Number, but in between we see the .303, which indicates that the rifle fired a .303 projectile, the case max overall length was 2.22 in inch’s and it was pressure tested to 18.5 tons. The NP stood for Nitro Proof, we see the London Proof House Nitro Proof mark, meaning it was tested and passed Nitro proofing.  (Whatever THAT means).  I'm not sure on the Crown with the A6 RE below it.

The Letter "Z" in the receiver, close to the magazine


Several markings on the bolt:

P1260730P1260730 P1260725P1260725

P1260814-2P1260814-2 Of course, the more I look at the bolt markings, now i also see a faint 'W" and then perhaps some symbols to the right of the #3

P1260811-2P1260811-2 And then there are these additional markings:

I have no clue as to what that stamp means ....

According to Stratton, "H.V." stands for high velocity, a mark stamped on rifles that had had the rear sight altered for the Mark VII bullet with its faster 174 grain bullet.  The "S.C." stands for small cone:  the forcing cone was lengthened 0.02 inches at the same time to improve accuracy.  Stratton terms these stampings the second variation, found on later Mark III and Mark III* rifles. P1260802P1260802 Any help would be appreciated! 

I found the following websites especially useful, this one being poss. the best:  All About Enfields 

My rifle bears the SSA markings which apparently make it a bit rare.  More on the "Peddle Scheme"

Decent references to various markings:  Another reference link for various markings

More Info on a SSA Peddle Scheme rifle: SSA 1918 SHTLE

Decent link with more good information:  Check out for further reference

All about Serial Numbers:  Serial Number reference


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) .303 123 14d35 1917 1924 24183 arms bolt bsa enfield england iii* ishapore lee lee-enfield marking mk mk3 no.1 receiver rf. rif shtle small ssa standard stock walnut ww1 Fri, 09 Feb 2018 20:49:12 GMT
CRV Winter Banquet The 2018 motorcycle rally season is opening with a very fun weekend that was had while attending the Connecticut River Valley Riders Winter Banquet.  Friday night Lew and I sampled a few malted beverages at Lew's favorite local brewery, Cox Brewing Company a Veteran owned Nano Brewery in Elizabethtown, PA. This place is a must visit if you support veterans, enjoy great micro brew and don't mind running into some really nice staff and beer connoisseurs.



RJ arrived a bit later in the evening, we adjourned to Lew's garage for a cigar, more beer and some fine Port wine.

RJ Lew and AndyRJ Lew and Andy

Saturday morning came way too soon, we finished packing the truck and headed north to Connecticut.  Our first stop of mention was the Blackie's Hot Dog Stand in Cheshire, CT. We bellied up to the bar and soon enjoyed custom recipe hot dogs, made exclusively for Blackie’s by Martin Rosol's of New Britian, CT.  I topped mine with Pepper Relish and Mustard, terrific early lunch.



We headed on to Waterbury to visit Holy Land, a defunct religious theme park that RJ mentioned might be worthy of a visit.  RJ never dissapoints with these odd site's we tend to visit, this place was no exception.  My only regret is, that I didn't bring my better photo gear.  We trudged around onsite for maybe 40 minutes, marveled at the site of the huge cross overlooking Waterbury.

Holy Land 3Holy Land 3 Holy Land2Holy Land2

We mushed on to our gracious hosts and arrived by 2pm.  Relaxed for a bit before Partyrider Frank Podgewaite suggested that we should go for a quick plane ride.  Lew and I jumped up and took Frank to the local airport where Frank quickly retrieved the Cessna out of it's impeccable hanger stall.  Before we knew it, we were buckled in, headsets mounted and after a short taxi found ourselves waiting for take-off clearance, which came after a minute or two. Frank skillfully guided us onto the runway and after a very short of take-off run we were heading towards the Connecticut river to check out the ice floats. Had a very nice smooth flight during which I constantly inquired about the functions of the many instruments in the cockpit.  I am and always have been fascinated with all things aviation, this was a very special treat, thank you Frank!

CessnaCessna CockpitCockpit Frank & AndyFrank & Andy Setting StuffSetting Stuff Cessna and HangerCessna and Hanger

By the time we returned back to Frank's, the mystery guest (Diane Pratt) has arrived.  She would be joining us at the for the banquet and stay through Sunday to also go flying with Frank.  Penny treated us to various tasty h'ordeuvres as she has in years past.


We headed to the banquet at the Polish National Home in Hartford and had a very nice time.  

Polish National HomePolish National Home BrainfishBrainfish RJ and LewRJ and Lew

Sunday we got a late start and headed south, I dropped Lew and RJ off, and headed home myself.  



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 177b 1973 82nd ale amber banquet beer brew brewing cardinal cbc cessna company connecticut cox cross crv ct elizabethtown frank holy home horvatic jc land micro n34557 nano national pa partyrider podgewaite polish religious riders river sr-71 valley waterbury winter Mon, 22 Jan 2018 17:42:52 GMT
Endeavour - More Than Brighter Some of my thoughts and pictures on adding auxiliary lights on "Endeavour", a '93 BMW R100 GSPD, while staying below a self-imposed budget of $200. 

Now that the pesky final drive oil leak appears to be fixed, I will move on and install some auxiliary lights.  A few months ago I replaced the stock headlight with an H4 R3 LED unit, it is great but still not sufficient (high beam is - low beam driving light in my view could be better).  Sep. 2017 I decided to leave my home in Annapolis for the Finger Lakes BMW rally at 9pm, and rode through the late night to arrive early morning at 02:30am.  Often I was the only vehicle on the road, the many deer carcasses reminded me to get some more lights mounted on this bike, since it might become the bike that gets the nod over others that have taken up residence in my garage. 

I used to have a set of PIAA 55's on my K1100LT, those were excellent for night time riding.  It appears that the LED light market has quite a few offerings, will go that route since I'm not in the mood to upgrade the 280W charging system yet, so keeping an eye on the consumed wattage will be important.

Of course, lights and switches should also be water-resistant so I'm trying to satisfy an IP-68 or IP-69 rating.  Our good friends from China have a few offerings on the eBay market that peak my interest.  I also checked out Clearwater, Twisted Throttle, Baja Designs, Advmonster and Touratech, most of their offerings range between $950 and $200, while I'm certain their products are great, are they better by several hundred dollars? 

We will see ...  I don't tend to ride that much at night anymore, these lights will primarily serve as daytime running lights.  I also want a mixture of LED's and at least one good ole' Halogen "spotlight", in case I were to lose the main headlight and needed a precise beam pattern.  So the fun begins.

Set # 1: MATCC 12V 125W 3000LMT

I had high hopes for this set but realized the limited install possibilities with the "built" in brackets not being adjustable enough for the roo bar install location. Gave up on these fairly quickly for the GS, might be able to use them on another bike.  $19.50 just squandered away - lol.

Set #2: Ultra Auto Parts, IP68 6" 30W CREE LED Light Bar

Two considerations here:  A.  This light could serve as a work light, and will be installed with that in mind (i.e. easily detached with hopefully some excess cabling) to use the light to help a friend in need, etc.  Will probably be wired directly to the battery and operated with an on/off switch. B. This light bar will emit a light pattern other than the regular "round" headlight look, hopefully a person will do a double-take to figure out "What is THAT coming at me?" If that is the case, then this project was successful.  Not bad for $15.79, although I will probably only use one, or have the second light already ready to go with connectors and a long cable ...  ideas, ideas ...  Simple plug and play, not having to dismantle the existing light bracket!

Set #3: Unbranded, 40W 3000LM IP67

One set of lights should be installed on the 1in diameter roo bar, since this set also includes the mounting hardware (which is fully adjustable), this will be a fairly straightforward install. These also claim to be "More Than Brighter" - what a deal for $62.05.

More Than BrighterMore Than Brighter I'm not certain that these will be powerful enough for nighttime riding.  I will update this thread as I move along.

Tying it all together: Unbranded, 12V 40A Harness Wiring Loom with Relay and switch

I ordered 2 of these, one with a red switch, the other with a blue one.  This harness has 10ft of wire, each has it's own relay with fuse. I plan to shorten the wiring looms for a "custom" fit, no need to stow several feet of unneeded wire. The two wiring looms were $17.52.   

wiring loomwiring loom

During the 2016 winter i installed a voltage indicator utilizing a relay and a power distribution terminal strip.  Since the voltage indicator is a simple LED drawing virtually no amps, i should be able to run at least one set of lights tied to the existing distribution block housed under the tank. The Voltage indicator is slick, the single LED will turn Red when Battery is draining (at idle), and turn yellow when the system is overcharging.  During normal operation the LED is not illuminated.  


terminal stripterminal strip

I had to order a bracket to properly mount the 6in LED light bar on the crash bar, so there went another $7.  I ended up purchasing another light to be installed on the opposing side (also on the crash bar) this light being a somewhat traditional round rally light: KC 1490 Hilites 4" Rally 400 55W Halogen

This presumably will be my night time running light with 40000 candlepower.  Coupled with the H4 R3 LED headlight on high beam, and the 6in LED light this should provide plenty of light.

So in November 2017 I finally headed into the garage to work on getting these guys mounted and wired up. Installing the first set on the roo bar, getting it all wired up, and right of the bat one light does not work ...  Great.  Checked and rechecked the wiring, without doubt the issue is with the light. This "More Then Brighter" claim appears to be a farce.  

LED Light issueLED Light issue

After a short email exchange I had another light shipped to me, no cost to me, of course since it is coming from China it took a little while to arrive.  This gave me plenty of time to decide on how to mount the light switches and to start trimming up the 15ft of each wiring harness that is clearly overkill.    

The install itself was fairly straight forward.  With all lights illuminated, here is what I get.

GSPD lights_smGSPD lights_sm

I came up with a pretty neat housing for the light switches themselves.  It essentially is a plastic electrical conduit junction box that cost maybe $4.00. The official name in Home Depot's inventory has it as a "Carlon 2in Schedule 40 and 80 PVC Type LR Conduit Body".  The round light switches on the two wiring harnesses I used fit absolutely perfect. 

More pictures to come.      


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1490 1993 68 69 auxiliary bar bmw dakar endeavour gs gspd h4 halogen headlight install ip ip68 ip-68 ip69 ip-69 kc led light more than brighter motorcycle paris paris-dakar pd r100gs r3 roo touratech Tue, 21 Nov 2017 19:38:18 GMT
Wood'n Slabs This past weekend I traveled to a sawmill in PA that is engaged with my client's company, which creates stunning pieces of furniture using live edge wooden slabs.  Wooden Slabs take years to dry properly, my client built a small photo booth that I was able to use for photographing most of the items.  With this being an Amish operation, there was no access to electricity in the converted chicken house for running lights, etc.  Fortunately I had access to a generator that could run the AlienBee SB800, which was sync'd to the onboard flash (SB800) on a D800.  It was still a tough shoot, photo booth is a tad small for large pieces, which should be photographed three-dimensional (side, front and top).  After each item I swept the floor as the forklift wheels often left some dirt behind.  The photo booth color was a shade of blue, I had envisioned a dark grey.  Using the flashes often produced an awful shadow that I had to work around.  Oh - and it was hot in the chicken house. The Amish men that helped me setup each item to shoot were fantastic to work with, wonderful people!


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) amish ash chair counter edge furniture live log logs oak photography pin slabs species sycamore tops vanity walnut white wood wooden Sun, 08 Oct 2017 18:50:00 GMT
Celebrating Hans A. Muth's Silver Daughter 40th Anniversary BMW R100RS Rally, Sept 14-17 2017

Celebrating Hans A. Muth's "Silver Daughter"

Personally, this is THE premier motorcycle event for me for this year, heck possibly of a lifetime! Here is a fantastic write-up by Todd Trumbore about how this event came to be.  

Following is my personal account and perspective of this event.

Thursday morning I met up with fellow Maryland Airhead BMW enthusiasts, all of them riding an R100RS. Thankfully I was able to recently fix my faulty ignition switch and was able to ride my R100RS, with the fun twist being that my bike's Serial Number is 6180040 (40th bike produced). My bike called "Wings" is the third bike from the left. RJ(2) finished his R100RS just in a nick of time for the rally, his is the Silver Blue bike on the far right, also sporting a 9 gallon Heinrich tank sourced from the UK. 

Let's RollLet's RollMD Airhead contingent Many other enthusiasts of this model are already heading to the event from all corners, some ride reports were trickling in - this will be an EPIC event! Sadly Brook Reams from Colorado experienced a sad tip over, followed by a near fatal transmission issue that left him momentarily stranded. In typical airhead fashion, assistance soon arrived and he was able to still bring his restored R77 to the rally, with Tom Cutter addressing the transmission after the rally.

We enjoyed a beautiful ride via the Eastern Shore of MD, avoiding most of the slab and traffic, stopped at Schaefer's Canal House in Chesapeake City for lunch and then mushed onto Harleysville, PA.

P1240074P1240074 P1240068P1240068 IMG_3402IMG_3402 We arrived at Todd's around 3pm and were checked in by Laura.  I saw several R77's as we checked in, had to get off my bike and take some pictures right away - as a photographer I was so looking forward to seeing so many R100RS's in one place, AND to be able to meet Hans Muth - Epic.

Getting Checked InGetting Checked InMy crew is getting checked in

The HerdThe HerdFive R100RS's greeting us as soon as pulled into the rally site

The rest of the rally can be best described as sensory overload, meeting so many nice folks, seeing the many variants of R100RS's and other bikes, being able to speak German again with Hans, Jochen, Harriett and Tommy.

DSC_0439DSC_0439 Tommy (Siebenrock's photographer) and I became fast friends, we setup a couple of photo shoots and shared many laughs over the next few days.

DSC_0686Tommy WeintzWhat a fun and talented guy

DSC_0683DSC_0683Jochen, Harriett and Tommy (l to r)

The Siebenrock's and Tommy (pictured above) are the nicest couple you will meet, of course some of us drilled Jochen on a few items we might like to see him add to his lineup of products. Didn't get to talk much too Udo Gietl, but very much enjoyed the presentation he gave.

The Line-up of first year R100RS's (R77 as we sometimes refer to them) was impressive, with Serial Number 1 stealing the show.  Tommy and I had some fun lining up the bikes to our liking and having a photo shoot.  

DSC_0484-Edit-EditDSC_0484-Edit-EditQuite a few R77's in the lineup

Hans A. Muth sitting on Serial Number 6180001!  It just doesn't get any better then this! DSC_0505-Edit-EditDSC_0505-Edit-EditHans on Serial Number 1

Being able to spend some time with Hans was just a treat.  His presentations were second to none, so nice to hear about certain design aspects of these machines right from the founding father. The trials and tribulation to sell his ideas to BMW Senior Leadership. The explanation for the color choice (and finish) and pinstripe color.  His display of witty humor as he described the 1 1/5 seat design. Pictured below, Hans and I were discussing the beautiful lines of Todd's 250cc Mondial. 

P1240409Hans Muth and IHans Muth and I looking at a beautiful Mondial 200cc and discussing her sexy lines.

Many heartfelt thanks to Todd and Laura, whom have worked tirelessly for a couple of years on logistics and site prep to make this happen, thank you for the hospitality, it was the best rally I personally have attended.  Many thanks to Dr. Sue and Dave, Kimberly and sadly other support staff whose names I did not get.  Thank you Mac and Bob Henig, and many thanks to the distinguished guests Ed Bach, Udo Gietl, Tom Cutter, Tommy Weinz, Jochen and Harriett Siebenrock and of course the man of the hour (or 4 decades) - Hans Muth.

Click here for more images


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 40th anniversary bmw celebration daughter german germany gietl hans harleysville motorcycle muth pa r100rs r90s rally siebenrock silver todd trumbore udo Wed, 20 Sep 2017 19:15:38 GMT
43rd Annual Finger Lakes BMW Rally More Images Here:

It is time again to head out to my favorite rally of the year, the 43rd Annual Finger lakes BMW rally.  Always enjoyed travelling to this area, quaint little towns nestled around the Finger Lakes, some great riding, good eateries and always a fun rally.



IMG_3091IMG_3091 Before beginning to pack the bike, I noticed the front tire (newly installed Metzeler Tourance) being flat.  WTF - Looked around the bead, and noticed that a few of the rubber "nipples" are stuck in between the rim and the bead, that is precisely where it is leaking from.  A bit disappointed considering a local BMW shop mounted the tires for me ...  I checked and determined the tire to leak about 2lbs/hr, so I could make the run to Finger Lakes while stopping once to top off the air.  So I continued to pack the bike and got it ready for a 9pm departure (100% chance of rain on Saturday), if I leave Friday night I should be staying mostly dry.   

After a decent run, I was on the rally grounds at 02:20am, not too bad considering I made one brief stop to check front tire and luggage, then a longer stop for fuel, to put on another lay of clothing (it was downright cold).  

Just barely parked the bike onsite and was greeted by a few friends that immediately took me to the fire to warm up, which was perfect. The party was pretty much on, had mostly really nice weather, saw old friends, made new ones and had many laughs. Got to see an Avett Brothers Concert, made two trips to the Penn Yan Diner for some great breakfast fare. Another great Finger Lakes Rally in the books!




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Click here for more images




[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 43rd 4-h annual bmw camp finger glen hidden lakes metzeler motorcycle ny r100gspd rally tourance valley vineyards watkins Wed, 06 Sep 2017 18:47:20 GMT
WNR Series III Click here For More Images!

After locking in a great Performance in WNR Series I & II, Series III has proved to be interesting to say the least.  Fortunately Team Xiberger secured a first place in the first race in this Series.  We then had multiple cancellations due to no wind, and even too much wind.   During one race we finished in first place, not realizing the race was actually cancelled sometime after the start. This last race we started, and had the race cancelled a few minutes after our start.  So we went sailing anyway, heck even flew the Spinnaker, had a wonderful evening aboard Xiberger and enjoyed this sunset.


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) annapolis bay chesapeake maryland md night races regatta river sail sailboat sailing severn sunset team wednesday wnr xiberger Wed, 30 Aug 2017 15:29:38 GMT
R100RS 40th Anniversary Celebration at Bob's BMW Click Here For More Images:

19 Aug 2017

The fine folks at Bob's BMW partnered with the BMW Motorcycle Owners Of America to host a 40th Anniversary Celebration for yet another model designed by Hans Muth, the R100RS.  Bob has his personal R100RS on display, he and Paul gave us a historical recap on how this machine came to be, and some of it's (then) state of the art design features (wind tunnel designed fairing).  

The first 40 riders signed in were treated to a fantastic crab cake lunch from the Flash CrabCake Company.  I'm a huge fan of Jerry's Seafood Crab Cakes, I have to admit these are just about as good!

Sadly my R100RS exhibited an ignition switch failure on the way to Bob's, limped her home and went with the GSPD instead, while already at Bob's I elected to replace the horrible TKC80's with Metzeler Tourance tires.  Nice ride improvement for sure - but not perfect - read about it in the Finger Lakes blog ....

Bob opened his museum for tours, there were door price drawings and Mark L's R100RS Motorsport took the people's choice award.  What a great event, thank you for hosting this Bob!

Here a few images, click on the link below to see more!








 Click here for more images

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1977 airhead america bags bmw bob's jessup krauser metzeler moa model motorcycle museum of owners r100rs tourance vintage Mon, 21 Aug 2017 12:36:00 GMT
Golden Age Of Airheads Rally For more images, click here!

This past weekend I loaded the R100 GSPD and headed to the Airhead gathering at the Golden Age Air Museum in Bethel, PA (Grimes Airfield). This is an annual event which I only recently learned about, what a fantastic venue and location! Mixing motorcycles, aircraft and being in company of good and like minded friends makes this a first rate event. 


Friday evening, those of us that got the meal ticket were treated to a delightful dinner prepared by Mark L, Will and John (and I'm sure others), so thank you all!


A great time was had by all, despite the "biblical" downpour and incredible wind gusts Friday night. Only one bike tasted the Grimes mud, was quickly righted and parked under the Picnic Shelter. Some of us stayed up and partied well past the last drop of rain fell from the sky early in the morning.

Mudd'NMudd'NRob took his bike mudd'n during a biblical downpour.

Saturday morning's coffee and doughnuts were long gone after I finally got up at 8am, head pounding and overall moving a bit slowly. Mark F and I took a quick ride to the local Sheetz for some breakfast and coffee.  I tacked on a quick local ride, and found a couple of spots that reminded me so much of Europe.  Pennsylvania is a beautiful state, especially in the less populated areas.



Quite a few more folks trickled in Saturday, some just came by for a visit, others found spots for their tents and stayed the night.  Much to my surprise my good buddies Duane H and Chris came out for a bit!  Chris rode his fairly new KTM 1290 Super Duke GT, holy smokes - what a machine!  Duane got to ride it home for awhile, gave me some stellar reviews except that ergonomically the foot peg location caused him some back discomfort.  I sat on it at Grimes, it fit me like a glove ...  Hmmmm (the LAST thing I need is another bike ...) 

The DukeThe DukeKTM 1290 Super Duke GT - what a bike!

Jyl and Eric took their Biplane Scenic ride, mentioned what a thrill it was. Luckily their friend Murd was looking for someone to go up, I decided to join him, taking a ride in an authentic, open cockpit, 1929 WACO GXE biplane was probably the highlight of the day for me. 



There was no "shortage" (get it?  look at the pictures below!) of technical advice being bestowed upon us by Don P and others. Caught him wrenching and checking various bikes, never requiring them to be put on a lift. The comraderie and knowledge exhibited by this group of airhead enthusiasts is second to none.  So much fun hanging out with this group of friends, with all having some interesting backgrounds, accomplishments and aspirations.



Saturday late afternoon we were treated to a catered chicken dinner and our own mini private airshow put on by Paul Dougherty flying the 1990 Christen Eagle II, while his daughter rated some of the acrobatic maneuvers to give her dad instant feedback.



Mark L won the coveted Muskrat and will tend to it and it's beautiful wooden condo for this year, after which he will elect and present it to the next lucky recipient at Grimes in 2018.


Saturday night started a bit like a repeat of Friday for me, but then "decided" to call it an early night to get at least a few hours of shut-eye.

Sunday morning started like a typical BMW rally, folks milling around the coffee pot, while others packed up and headed out at first light.  I took my time breaking camp, said my good bye's, took the southerly scenic route, crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and was back in Annapolis by 13:30. What a great weekend!  Many thanks to all you all that organized and put on such a nice event!



Click here for more images!

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) age air aircraft airfield airhead airshow aviation bethel biplane bmw christen dougherty dr1 eagle fokker gathering golden grimes gxe motorcycle museum pa paul plane rally waco Mon, 07 Aug 2017 19:19:03 GMT
Touratech Rear Shock 1993 BMW R100GS/PD - 64k miles, currently with WP Rear Shock (unknown service history), Continental TKC80 tires, Stock Shield with Laminar Lip    

Noticed something disturbing as it pertains to Endeavour's handling during "high" speeds (passing a vehicle, for instance). The front end begins to feel light, and there is a noticeable wobble or weave that makes you think a tank slapper might occur, if speed is not decreased. This appears to occur around 73mph.  

Once I back off to 65 mph the handling issues go away entirely.  The Laminar Lip I installed did not help eliminate the excessive buffeting the bike experiences around tractor trailers, or on windy days.  So, back to the drawing board.  By a few threads I read online,  my R100GS is not the only bike that is exhibiting this unstable behavior.  For several folks, a rear shock replacement fixed the issue entirely.  Since I have no history on the WP Shock currently installed, I decided to get an Ohlins, but then settled on the Touratech "Basic" offering, after Morgan from Touratech suggested that this could be a better option (also could be built that day, as opposed to a few weeks on the Ohlins). When ordering the Touratech Shock, I completed a questionnaire about my weight with riding gear, poss. weight I plan to have onboard when fully loaded for a trip, etc.  The shock/spring is assembled given the results from the questionnaire.

The shock came yesterday, the fit and finish are first rate, looks and feels like a solid, well made product.  Installation was straight forward, it did help to loosen the right rear passenger foot peg and the right luggage rack.  I installed the shock and have yet to make the rebound - damping adjustments, I wanted to see how it felt right out of the box. 

Went for a ride in similar setup as the day prior with the WP Shock, and I'm pleased to find the high speed wobble (or weave) is now gone.  The wind buffeting still makes the bike feel slightly unstable in certain conditions.  Overall the bike feels more nimble, yet much more settled at higher speeds.  This weekend I'm going camping, looking forward how this bike performs loaded down a bit and for a bit of a longer ride.  Morgan did suggest that I adjust the sag, which i will do tonight.

IMG_2408ShocksWP Shock (red) New Touratech shock to be installed (White)


  • Need to address the issue pictured below.  Small weep from the brake lever seal, which sadly is covering the brake shoes.  

IMG_2410Hmmm?Dropping what appears to be grease from somewhere .... Can't find the source. Only on right side of the bike, also occurs with new shock.

IMG_241164873miFor my reference, installed the Touratech Shock at 64864mi

IMG_2413Test RideHigh speed wobble appears to be gone!


Went to the Golden Age Of Airhead Rally, Bethel, PA - loaded down with "standard" camping gear, stock BMW bags, no tail trunk.  While passing a group of 8 Harley's that were "hogging up" the road (going just soo slow), the high speed weave is back, not when doing 80mph or so - YAY!  What great timing too. I didn't look at the speedo to see the exact speed since I was passing and had other worries (like safely wedge myself into the Harley Clusterfvck). Tires are next, the TKC80's are coming off, will try some tires a bit more oriented to street usage.  


Final Update. Highspeed Weave is now gone! 

Incredibly bummed I couldn't ride my R77 to Bob's 40th Anniversary Celebration of the R100RS.  I have some sort of ignition issue that i need to sort out.  So, reluctantly the GS got the nod, rode to Bob's BMW and attended the event, which was great. While there I checked at the Service Desk if they had tires in stock for my bike, and if they had the bandwidth to install them.  I got the nod for both, elected to purchase the Metzeler Tourance tires. While the rear wheel was already off, I had Carter check the rear brakes for me, he indicated that my brake lever pinon seal was leaking a little bit, and is coating the rear brake disks - lovely.  I had him print the parts list and purchased the items to do the repair myself. Rode the bike home, at 80 - 85mph I could not reproduce the wobble, so I am very pleased.  I will update if warranted, esp. when I ride to Finger Lakes loaded down with gear. 
[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1993 80 airhead bike bmw bobs bob's continental dakar davidson handling harley issue metzeler motorcycle ohlins paris power r100gs r100gs/pd r100gspd rear shock suspension tkc tkc80 tourance touratech weave white wobble wp Wed, 02 Aug 2017 16:11:41 GMT
Sailor Meet Sailor, an adorable Yellow Labrador Retriever puppy.  This arrival was much anticipated, finally got to have a little photo shoot with her over the 4th of July holiday.  What a cutie!

The weekend was perfect, with great company, food & drink, lots of fun sailing, kayaking, a little golfing and just relaxing a bit.




Sailor has her own Gallery! Check out the images here!

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 4th cute dog july labrador of puppy retriever sweet yellow Thu, 06 Jul 2017 22:40:00 GMT
Hall Pass Last nights regatta race was stunning.  The sky provided us with a light show rarely seen (not in the form of lightening, just some dark skies, yet sun still shining through).  The race was decent, crew displayed some incredible athleticism on the balance beam.  Three separate Spinnaker deployments, all went well until Hall Pass forced us into an obstruction, which of course is frowned upon by fellow racers and sailors.  That dampened the mood a bit, had a decent finish, some good beer and then prepped the boat for a possible rating change.  Here are a few pictures ...

IMG_0538IMG_0538 IMG_0585IMG_0585 IMG_0588IMG_0588 IMG_0603IMG_0603 IMG_0607IMG_0607 IMG_0618IMG_0618 IMG_0644IMG_0644 IMG_0645IMG_0645 IMG_0666IMG_0666 IMG_0710IMG_0710 IMG_0717IMG_0717 IMG_0773IMG_0773 IMG_0823IMG_0823     

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 2017 Annapolis Chesapeake Hall Night Pass Qa2 Race Racing Regatta WNR Wednesday Xiberger bay sail sailboat sailing Thu, 08 Jun 2017 18:23:23 GMT
EPIC Ambition A few years ago I attended an IT conference in Las Vegas and decided to tack on a trip to the Grand Canyon (South Rim), Sand Slot Canyons in Page, AZ and a stint on Route 66 to Oatman, AZ.  I promised myself to return to this general area for more in depth photography.  Fast forward to now, fellow motorcyclist and great friend RJ and I just completed a trip to the Southwest for some photography.


Day 1 -  9 June 2017

We departed BWI airport at 6:30am on Southwest, arrived in Las Vegas and picked up the rental car by 10am. We had all intentions to do this trip in a Ford Mustang convertible, however that was not available when we arrived at the car rental agency. We were upgraded to a Chevy Camaro RS Convertible, but upon opening the trunk we realized that there was no way our luggage would fit. Fortunately we were able to switch cars and ended up with a white four door Nissan Altima, which turned out to be perfect. We left with 17111mi on the odometer, headed to Lee's Discount Liquors and Walmart for some supplies (Beer, Whiskey, Gatorade, snacks, ice, etc). And so this adventure began, driving towards Page, AZ.




Our first stop was the Valley Of Fire State Park, NV.  Pretty impressive place, my first sight of the red rocks, love the contrast of the blue skies against the red rock formations.  We don't have skies this blue on the East Coast.



We drove on to Page and checked out Horseshoe Bend, which given the time of day (6pm) was in terribly harsh light, we decided to abandon photography here and checked into our Hotel (Best Western Plus). After a most delicious Mexican Dinner we turned in, it was a long day!  


Day 2 - 10 June

During breakfast at the hotel we sat and talked with a couple from Germany,  We exchanged notes and suggested a couple of sites that they may also be interested in seeing. Later we took the short drive to Antelope Canyon Tours for our tour of the Upper Antelope Canyon.  This place is impressive, but very hard to shoot without a tripod. If you plan to do photography here, sign up for the 2 hour "Photographers' Tour". I put this canyon on the itinerary since RJ has never been in one. Sunny, our Navajo guide gave us a great tour, we were lucky to have been one of the first tours to arrive, so there were not that many folks here yet.

IMG_0860_sm - CopyIMG_0860_sm - Copy

IMG_0872_sm - CopyIMG_0872_sm - Copy

I dropped RJ off at the Hotel and headed down to Horseshoe Bend which now was in much better light (10:30am).  Took a few photos here, then went back to the hotel and checked out, started our drive to Monument Valley.

IMG_0879_sm - CopyIMG_0879_sm - Copy

Seeing Monument Valley for the first time was absolutely impressive. We stayed in the Park a bit to soak in the views, then secured our cabin for the two night stay at Gouldings Lodge.


Since we had a bit of time before the sunset at Monument Valley we decided to check out the Goosenecks State Park (light too harsh at 4pm).


RJ then took us to the Moki Dugway (drive it if you can find it, impressive views from here!). We stopped for photos on a few of the cut-ins on this old mining road.


We then headed into the Valley Of The Gods, which was my favorite so far.  Nice early evening light, getting close to the Golden Hour. Sadly I only took a few images here, should have spent more time for sure.


We headed back to Monument Valley for some sunset shots, which turned into watching the moon rise (incredible) and then doing some low light photography.  Headed out to mile marker 13 made famous by the movie Forrest Gump.  Will have to re-shoot this in daylight. 


Day 3 - 11 June

Monument Valley - Shot the sunrise.


Stopped at mile marker 13 again in daylight before heading to Mexican Hat for breakfast.


After the most overpriced and awful breakfast burrito we decided to drive back to Monument Valley and take the driving trail.  Almost got the rental car stuck right away, aborted the drive to Artist Point Lookout. RJ inquired with some of the local tour guides and before we knew it, RJ and I were on a private tour with a Navajo guide named Dean taking us into the restricted parts of the reservation. Too cool.


Headed back to our cabin via the local grocery store to pick up items for our typical low budget late lunch, which was terrific.


Later we returned to Monument Valley for another Sunset shoot, and watched the moon rise one more time. Headed back to the cabin and lightly prepared for our departure in the morning.



Day 4 - 12 June

Shot the Monument Valley sunrise one more time and said goodbye to this most unique place. Headed to the cabin to grab our belongings and checked out. We stopped at mile marker 13 yet again, took a few shots here, one cool thing to note were the 2 Aussies in Red Chicago Bulls Jersey's, cool contrast against the black macadam, I think I got a couple of shots of them.


With the fleeting morning light we decided to head into the Valley Of The Gods again, this time utilizing the west entrance off of 163. Took a few cool shots of a lone BMW rider with his tent situated in a terrific spot with stellar views.  Someday I would love to ride some of these dirt roads on my BMW R100GSPD.


We had a fairly uneventful drive to Moab, RJ got some much needed rest, we have been operating on limited amounts of sleep up to this point. Checked out the Lazy Lizard Youth Hostel where we will be staying for one night.  Very interesting place. Lot's of "kids", very neat concept, there were dorm rooms, tent spaces and cabins.  Every patron had use of a communal kitchen (do your own dishes), a TV / reading room, as well as a bath house.  Our cabin was not quite ready yet, so we decided to head into Arches National Park.  Seems like it took us an hour to clear the many other cars ahead of us entering the Park.



Arches National Park is stunning, could not stop saying "WOW" with just about every turn we took. We looked at "RJ's rock", he's adopted this "rock" to be his many years ago.  It is a fine rock RJ!



I walked over to the triple Arch while RJ hunted for a spot to park.  It was incredibly busy despite the heat and the blowing wind, which of course was saturated with fine dust and sand ... Later we ventured over to the Windows, the wind was wipping through them with almost unimaginable force.





We left Arches heading north on 191, then turned west onto 313 leading us to Dead Horse Point State Park. Nice views of the canyon, reminded me a little bit of the Grand Canyon, only on much smaller scale.  We were not close to the Golden Hour, were getting hungry so we headed back to Moab.  

IMG_1197_smDead Horse   

For dinner we went to a Mexican Restaurant called El Charro Loco. It is the best Mexican food I ever had, if you are in Moab, and Mexican food appeals to you, I would strongly urge you to seek out this place. It's a hole in the wall, not easy to find, address is 812 S Main St, Moab, UT. 


We headed to the Lazy Lizard and secured our cabin for the night.  I began the usual nightly process of making RJ and I a nice drink, then began charging all camera batteries and downloading images onto an external hard drive.  Upon RJ's urging, we headed up to the office and hung out with the youngsters congregated here, some musicians were playing their guitars and singing.  Before we knew it, we were treated to a private concert by Caitlyn Jemma & The Moonshiners (Megan Graham and Michael Steinkirchner).  That was the highlight of the evening for sure.


Day 5 - 13 June

RJ and I packed up the car fairly early, headed to Arches National Park but sadly got their too early to be able to enter the Park. Instead of wasting the nice early morning light we drove a bit on UT-128 which essentially follows the Colorado River.  Took a few photos here.  


Finally we were able to enter the Park at 7am.  We stopped at the Park Avenue Overlook for a bit, had another look at RJ's Rock, then mushed on to the Delicate Arch parking area.  Very busy already, we prepped ourselves (water, applying sunscreen), prepped the gear (tripod, cameras, water) to take and then hiked out to the Delicate Arch. The Arch itself was impressive,  took quite a few photos here.


We trekked back to the car and headed to back to look at RJ's rock again. RJ and I have been such good friends for so many years now that I thought it to be neat to pick the "rock" next to his as my rock, so there we both are.



The blue sky and white clouds made it hard to leave here, but our itinerary was taking us to the Newspaper Rock Recreation Site on our way to Blanding, so we had to move on .... We did stop in the Arches Visitor Center Gift Store on our way out, I purchased a neat artist rendition print of my rock, oddly RJ's seems to be a little less famous.  



We did stop by El Charro Loco again, the lunch we had there was equally as good as the dinner there the night before.  Check it out!!!!


The drive south on 191 was uneventful and scenic, we turned west onto 211, which was a fantastic road with incredible vistas. Chased a fellow and his dog in his pick-up truck was towing a classic restored Airstream Bambi trailer.  We stopped at the Newpaper Rock Recreation Site - very interesting. RJ tended to his "211 Burrito", leftover from El Charro's lunch.  



We drove all the way to the entry sign for Canyonlands and decided that we will not enter the Park, because - let's face it, we had to leave something unexplored, so that we'd return to this area for sure.  We put the Canyonlands in the same category as Capitol Reef, a Park that always gets shlt on, because they are not "big and famous".  In true form, we essentially shlt on Canyonlands.  But wait!  There is more ....


Feeling a bit hungry myself, RJ dished up some cheese (skillfully sliced with a Veggie Peeler on his UT Atlas) and crackers while we headed towards Cliff Palace in Blanding, UT.  If this was his Palace, I'd hate to see his shed.  Place was a bit scary at first but ended up working out just fine.  



We fueled the car and looked for something to eat in a very weird place ....  picture a Gas Station, Convenience Store, Fast Food Joint and Bowling Alley all lumped into one ...  Bizarre.  It was at an Intersection that only Partyriders can truly appreciate (191N & 191S). Dinner consisted of whatever rations we could dig up from the trunk of the car.



This ended up being a banner day, not sure that we could have crammed any more into it.  But wait! There's more ....   


Day 6 - 14 June

Another early morning wake-up, packed the car and headed to Pop's Burrito shop next to the Motel, it looked to be open, we hoped to at least get a cup of coffee here.  We did get that, and ALSO a very good breakfast (I had a delicious breakfast burrito, while RJ enjoyed the same, only served in a bowl). Rejuvenated with fresh coffee onboard we turned onto 191S and then veered onto Hwy 95 towards Hanksville.  The first stop took us on a short hike to the Butler Wash ruins, an ancient Anasazi site. Neat site, but shitty light for photography at 10:30am.  We didn't loiter here for long. I had great hopes for the next stop.


One side note, I found a pair of lady's sunglasses here on the trail, and decided to wear them to see if RJ would notice.  He never did - I ended up talking to quite a few folks wearing these rather feminine glasses.


So we mushed on to the Mule Canyon Trailhead in hopes of finding the House On Fire.  After a couple of failed attempts hiking down incorrect paths, we finally noodled through that we were off by about .5 miles or so. Back to the car, driving the dirt road back we came and then parked with a few other vehicles.  I asked a very nice gentleman if we were close to the trail and he answered that indeed we were. So we set off on a decent hike and arrived at the House On Fire only to see a PBS film crew onsite, also documenting this neat ancient ruin. We looked around a bit, talked to the PBS crew and began taking some photographs.  I think the light might have bee just about perfect.


We also took a look at the ancient handprints located just to the left of these Anasazi ruin, very neat.


I have to say that seeing these ruins had a profound impact on me, trying to imagine living here with no food or water in the deep of winter or the dead of summer.  The gentleman that assured us earlier that we found the correct trail mentioned that the Anasazi Indians used these ruins primarily in the summer, lived a somewhat nomadic lifestyle and stayed elsewhere during the winter.  There was a riverbed below these ruins so there possibly was some means to grow crops here. Either way, I'm so glad we took the time to see this site.

We hiked back to the car and continued west on UT-95 towards Hite Overlook.  Some stunning views here, neat S-curves carving through the mountains.


At Hite Overlook we met a neat couple from Austria, Hannes & Katharina, whom are currently on a carbon neutral around the world journey. Presently they are riding their bicycles from San Francisco to Boston.  From there they are hoping to catch a sailboat for the passage across the Atlantic to Portugal.  We took some pictures, chatted awhile, while they both attempted to indulge in a melted Hershey's Chocolate Bar. They got a kick out RJ essentially being from the area where Hershey's Chocolate is made. Check out their website below.

Katharina & Hannes carbon neutral round-world-journey   

We continued on to Hanksville and then headed into Capitol Reef National Park for a few photos.  Another neat site with it's own unique atmosphere and landscape.  




Lodging: Day's Inn Torrey, UT, Subway Sandwich for Dinner, Lemonade and Jim Beam


Day 7 - 15 June 

This morning we decided to change the itinerary after we talked to a gentleman during breakfast at the hotel, he suggested we make our way to Burr Trail Road and shoot one of the caves there (he showed us some of his iPone pictures - which were stunning). We decided to scrap the Capitol Reef sunrise shoot (too late anyway), the Devils Garden and the Escalante Grand Staircase. All of which would have been visited via the Hole In The Rock Road, a somewhat rough dirt road, which would have taken a lot of time to navigate.

We took Route 12 towards Boulder and along the way stopped at several places to take in the views of the Birch Tree forests lining the route. The coolest thing happened here, but I will reserve that for RJ and I.


There was cattle on the road in places, and some very nice scenic Lookouts. Had a bit of a photo session with a Prairie Dog mother and her young.


We made it to Burr Trail Road and found the cave we heard about, had a nice photo shoot here, having the cave entirely to ourselves.  



We ran into two brothers as we left the cave, chatted for a bit and learned that they came from Peek-a-boo slot canyon, and showed us some pictures.  Seems to be mostly very narrow with a tough entry - so not that appealing for photography.  We scrapped it from the itinerary and decided to check out Kodachrome Basin State Park (what a cool name). 

And for once on this trip there was a bit of disappointment, Kodachrome was a bit of a let-down, it was hot, gnats and other insects were bugging us, we took one absolutely hilarious picture and bailed out. 


We drove to Bryce Canyon National Park, loitered there from late afternoon to a little after sunset. Bryce Canyon is spectacular!


From here we drove to Panguitch, UT where we would stay for the next 3 nights (Blue Pine Motel, great little place - more on that later).


Day 8 - 16 June

We left the motel early for the 35min drive to Bryce Canyon for sunrise.  It is amazing to see the Hoo-Doo's come to "life" as they are illuminated by the rising sun.  What a show.  We then went to Bryce Canyon Lodge, I signed up for a Horseback tour for the following morning.  We had a nice breakfast at the Lodge and just loitered awhile, RJ found a piano and played for a bit.



While we were mulling over what to do next, RJ came up with this idea that I was going to be on a mule, not a horse for the ride into Bryce Canyon. He had so much fun with it, I ended up going back to the Tour Representative and asked what the likelihood of being on a mule vs. a horse might be. (about 50%).  But I could request to be on a horse during the check-in the following morning.

We checked out the old gas station and then decided to hike from Sunrise Point to Sunset Point via the Queen Garden Trail and the Navajo Loop.  Bryce Canyon is something entirely different, when seen whilst in the canyon.  Just STUNNING vistas no matter where you look. 




The hike back to the car was a bit of a challenge, the final elevation change as one exits the trail can be a bit of a challenge.  We were pleased with our performance and the fact that we got to see and experience from below. 

We headed back to the motel to relax for a bit, and to walk around main street a bit, maybe hit a couple of antique stores.  On the drive back we saw signs of a significant fire, which we later learned was a controlled burn.




We headed back to Bryce for sunset, which was lackluster, the smoke from the fire had obscured the sun's rays.  Back to Panguitch to the Motel for what was a BANNER day. Gas Station Burrito's for dinner AND also a fine drink consisting of ice, Jim Beam, Coke, Mango Slushy, Pink and regular lemonade.  That was fantastic.  We ventured to the professional putting green and played a few "rounds" of golf.


Day 9 - 17 June

RJ's birthday, gave him a card and his only little mountain range consisting of small rocks of various different colors. We back to Bryce for the Horse Trail Ride. I checked in with no problem and soon was sitting on Juaquin, a very nice looking horse.  And off we went, it was another experience I won't soon forget.

Another rider ahead of me took these shots, thank you Rose!  



RJ stayed in the park, checked out some other spots since the road leading to Rainbow and Yovimpa view points had previously been closed.  He used the Nikon D800E and did well with it, also got some great pictures of us returning from the 3 1/2 hour trail ride.

We stopped at another store called "Red Canyon" I found and purchased a pretty cool men's ring here. Took RJ for a fantastic lunch back in Panguitch at the Cowboy's Smoke House, where we met some nice folks from TX, named RJ and Linda! I had the best burger I EVER had here, try this place if you are in town!

We checked out the Red Rock Rendezvous BMW rally that was being held at the local fairgrounds, then played some more golf, and went back to Cowboy's Smoke House for a fine dinner. Yep - another BANNER day.  But wait!  There's more ....


Day 10 - 18 June

Drove through Zion National Park on our way back to Las Vegas.  Need to come back here for sure. 



From here we drove to Snow Canyon State Park, another spot that warrants a longer visit.


Found this marker at the Shivwits Paiute Indian Cemetery.


Drove back to Las Vegas, cruised down the strip and took a few pictures of the iconic "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. We returned the rental car with 19309mi on the odometer in 115F of heat. We had a nice flight home, arriving at my house early Monday morning at 02:30.  RJ decided to head back home right away, I went to bed only to be awoken by the pesky alarm at 06:15 to head to work. 

What an EPIC adventure.  Will need to return to Canyonlands, Capitol Reef and Zion National Park for sure.  Page AZ and the sand slot canyons need to be explored more as well. There are many more gas station burritos and Slushy flavors that need to be tasted.     


I will be posting a few pictures here in this blog, more images here:  Gallery can be viewed via this link.

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) AZ Antelope BMW Bryce Canyon Capitol Fire House Monument Mule NV National On Park Red Reef The Arches UT Upper Zion arches rally rendezvous rock valley Wed, 07 Jun 2017 15:09:01 GMT
Xiberger Takes Second Series 1, Race 3:  Quite an exciting race.  First of, it's been a fun day hanging out at the Eastport Yacht Club and watching the Blue Angels perform the "low" show. Took a few decent shots, despite overcast skies and lack of good light.  The race itself was fantastic, great start, good wind, good tactics.  Had a bit of a lazy sheet management issue and a couple of exciting Spinnaker moments. Hall Pass sailed fast, she took first, we got a second place.


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[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Angels Annapolis Blue HH Hall Helly Hensen Kavevala Kavevala II Night Pass Races Ramrod Sailing T-Bone WNR Wednesday Xiberger Thu, 25 May 2017 14:31:44 GMT
16th Annual British & European Classic Motorcycle Day May 21st, 2017:  16th Annual British & European Classic Motorcycle Day, High Point Farm - Clarksville, MD. I rode to the event with fellow Airheads Mark and Mike, each of us riding our BMW R100RS.  This year BMW was the Featured Marque, great turnout with so many European brands also well represented. This is an amazing venue! I will have to work this into my schedule annually. Caught up with quite a few friends here, and even the rain stayed away. A perfect day with a spirited and uneventful ride home! I hope you enjoy a few of the pictures I took (link below these images).





Click Here For More Images


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Augusta BMW BSA Bob's British British & European Clarksville Classic Day Ducati European Excelsior Farms Guzzi Henderson High MD MV Maryland Moto Motorcycle Norton Point Triumph airhead and motorcycle restauration Mon, 22 May 2017 22:39:03 GMT
Xiberger Back On Top Series 1 has been rough with two cancelled races, a DFL and last night finally a first place.  Nice wind, perfect tactical execution, good, clean, fast sailing.

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[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) AYC Annapolis Aunt Jean EYC Gratitude Night Qa2 Race Races Racing Schematic WNR Wednesday Xiberger boat sail sailing yacht Thu, 18 May 2017 14:35:46 GMT
Finally Seeing Discovery Again So with Mom here visiting from Germany and some crappy weather in the forecast, I suggested we pay a visit to the Udvar-Hazy Center (commonly known as the Smithsonian National Air And Space Museum) in Dulles, VA.  I have been wanting to go here for quite some time, funny how it takes family or friends to finally visit "local" sights.  This museum is simply fantastic, seeing Space Shuttle Discovery up close and this personal was quite a treat.  Here a few teasers:


On The NoseOn The NoseNorth American P-51C, "Excalibur III"



Click Here For More Images




[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Air And Discovery Dulles Hazy Museum SR-71 Shuttle Smithsonian Space Udvar Udvar-Hazy Udvar-Hazy Space Center VA Virginia Wed, 17 May 2017 03:06:33 GMT
No race tonight The 2017 Annapolis Wednesday Night Racing season is off to an interesting start ...

First Race       -  No wind / Race cancelled

Second Race   -  Not our best showing, a very rare "DFL"

Third Race      -  No wind / Race cancelled

Since Xiberger was already rigged for this now cancelled third race in Series I, we loitered near the starting line, enjoyed some beer and addressed onboard network/compute items with new software and the B&G 5000 computer. The Pride Of Baltimore came past us, winds kicked up a bit, the Woodwinds were setting sail as well ....

IMG_0175IMG_0175 IMG_0178IMG_0178

So, we decide to hoist the main, jib came out and before we knew it we were flying the chute.  Very nice relaxing sail while everyone had a beer in hand.

IMG_0183IMG_0183 IMG_0185IMG_0185 IMG_0199IMG_0199 IMG_0201IMG_0201 IMG_0202IMG_0202 Fun evening, had a nice dinner at the Eastport Yacht Club where everyone got to meet my mom (visiting from Germany). Very nice evening! 

Here is some great video footage from last weeks' race.  Xiberger had some decent coverage around video timer:  00:31 (Julian & Dave on bow), 6:03 (Spinnaker Douse, decent rounding)  

2017 AYC WNR Series 1 Race 1

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 2017 38ft AYC Annapolis Cape Club EYC Eastport Fear Night PHRF1 Pride Of Baltimore Racing Schooner WNR Wednesday Woodwind Xiberger Yacht boat sailboat sailing Thu, 11 May 2017 14:23:57 GMT
Wedding Bells I don't shoot weddings, so there you have it .... However, that all changed when my little sister indicated that a hawk would be the ring bearer! "Ok, I will take some pictures of the ceremony!" Beautiful sunny day, a very nice ceremony witnessed by family and friends.  The Harris Hawk did bring in the rings, that was neat.  After the ceremony we had a few more photo opportunities with the hawk, a magnificent and beautiful specimen.  

Great wedding!  Congratulations to Susan and Jud!  Thank you all for making this such a special day!




Click here for the wedding photos


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Harris Maryland bearer ceremony doves hawk ring wedding white Tue, 02 May 2017 13:50:28 GMT
MD Airheads TechnoBarn Thank you Chris & Bridgett for hosting yet another outstanding Tech Day in the ole Tobacco Barn. A few riders and one brave soul made their way to Crownsville in a Renault "LeCar"!  Wrenches were wrenched, Venison was skillfully shaped into patties with almost surgical precision.  Part's runs' were made, malted beverages were consumed, and yes airheads were tended to as they should be.  


P1130467P1130467A neat /2 conversion with lots of patina!

More Images here! 

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Airheads BMW Crownsville MD Motorcycle Session Tech TechoBarn Mon, 24 Apr 2017 04:08:12 GMT
Years On Two Wheels -Years On Two Wheels-

This weekend while looking through some old photos I decided to scan in a few of them and create a photo archive of all bikes I have ever owned. I might add a note here and there, it is amazing to see the correlation between the bikes I have owned and the people I then became acquainted with that certainly shaped my life or otherwise had a profound impact.

I remember having liked bikes ever since I was a young lad, growing up in Germany I enjoyed seeing motorcycles and the gear the riders wore, quite a difference then to my re-location to El Paso, TX, where you would see folks ride without helmets, in shorts and T-shirts.


1981 Kawasaki LTD440

My first bike.  My grandma essentially funded the purchase of this bike ($800), this was my main (and only) means of transport while I attended the University of Texas at El Paso.  Met another German rider named Peer Salden at UTEP, he rode a Yamaha XT500. We became good friends and went riding quite a bit.  He and I dissembled the Kawasaki engine and replaced some rocker arm shims.  Bike got trashed in I guess a pretty bad accident (I don't remember it), my buddy Aaron was riding bitch and thankfully wore my helmet.

Kawasaki LTD440 BackyardKawasaki LTD440 BackyardMy first bike .... the passion for motorcycling develops

1981 Kawasaki 440LTD1981 Kawasaki 440LTDMy first bike .... the passion for motorcycling develops


1976 Honda CJ360T

I guess I got this one to replace the LTD440.  Not a great bike, I remember that it had a torn diaphram in one carb which was such an easy fix, then it ran pretty well.  I think Peer was pleased I got this bike, he HATED the LTD.  I cannot re-collect whatever I did with this bike (or when/where I bought it).

CJ360TCJ360TMy second bike. I guess 1985 - 1986? I think this was a either a '76 or '77 Honda CJ360T. Got it after the 440LTD was trashed in an accident. CJ360T and new Hein Gericke JacketCJ360T and new Hein Gericke JacketMy second bike. I guess 1985 - 1986? I think this was a either a '76 or '77 Honda CJ360T. Got it after the 440LTD was trashed in an accident.


1980 Kawasaki Z1-R 1000

Only my third bike, this bike was quite cool, first bike I never should have sold. This was my daily rider while being stationed at Ft. Bragg, I lived off-base in Spring Lake, would ride this bike year around as I still did not own a car.

Z1-R 1000 in NCZ1-R 1000 in NCMy third bike. First bike I began to do a few modifications on. These photos date back to about 1988 through 1991 maybe.

1980 Kawasaki Z1-R 1000. First bike I should never have sold.

Z1R 1000Z1R 1000My third bike. First bike I began to do a few modifications on. These photos date back to about 1988 through 1991 maybe.

1980 Kawasaki Z1R 1000. First bike I should never have sold.



1976 BMW R60/6

My first BMW.  And my last ...  This was the most dreadfully slow bike I ever owned.  I did not appreciate what makes an airhead an airhead, but heck I was young then.  This bike swore me off of BMW's for YEARS.

R60_6 Full ViewR60_6 Full View R60_6 Somewhere in MSR60_6 Somewhere in MS


1982 Kawasaki KZ1000J

Don't really have much to say about this bike, this is the only picture I have of it. Don't really remember riding it.


1991 or 1992

1980 Honda CB750K

The move to California prompted me to have to sell the Z1-R 1000, the BMW R60/6 and the KZ1000J because I needed a car. This was a bad move on my part, but lesson learnt.  The Z1-R I should have never sold, and now that I love airheads, the R60/6 might appeal to me again.  I bought a 1973 VW Super Beetle.  Finally after maybe six months or so, while living in San Diego my roommate Michael used to hijack my "Motorcyclist" magazine every time it was delivered.  We talked about bikes and motorcycling, he said he would like to try that.  So we found him a good starter bike (Yamaha Seca 550), went and looked at it, I test rode it, he purchased it and I rode it home for him.  Probably just being on a bike again got me excited about getting another one, so this is what I bought.


CB750K and MichaelCB750K and Michael CB750K at Michael'sCB750K at Michael's  


1982 Honda CX500 Turbo

I sold the CB750K in 1992 before moving to the Washington DC area towards the end of 1992. I remained "bikeless" for probably a little over a year. My good friend John back in AR contacted me about his CX500Turbo being for sale and wanted to give me first dibs on it.  Before I knew it, I had a trailer hitch installed on my car, and was heading to AR with a borrowed trailer to get the bike. Finally riding again, I went for a few short trips here an there, and ended up meeting my good friend Jim (he had a CX500 Silverwing) through some motorcycle forum online. We met up for quite a few rides and I saw him accumulate a few bikes over the next few years. Through a good friend (Dave) from work, I was re-introduced to BMW's.  During our lunch hour he would tell me about these great BMW rallies he goes to, including some as far as Montana ...  Wow.  On occasion we would run to Bob's BMW for lunch, I absolutely fell in love with a BMWK1200RS.  Dave invited me to join him at the BMW Square Route Rally in Thurmont, MD for the day, this was my first BMW rally (I rode the CX500T), it is here where I met several other guys from the Dutch Country Riders and realized that I want to be part of this rallying, and want to do it on a BMW.


1982 Honda CX500 Turbo1982 Honda CX500 Turbo CX500Turbo Test Ride, 29 Aug 1993CX500Turbo Test Ride, 29 Aug 1993


1997 BMW K1100LT

A very good friend and fellow rider took me to Bob's BMW for lunch and I instantly was hooked on the K1200RS (Yellow & Checkered Flag paint scheme). A subsequent visit had me look at the bike below, one year old dealer demo with 80mi, discounted by some $3000.  Couldn't say no, purchased the bike and ended up putting almost 55k miles on it before wadding it up.  This bike was simply put a great bike. Added a Russell Day-Long saddle, Remus Sport Exhaust, PIAA Aux. Driving Lights and a 5gal Fuel Cell.  She was a runner and took me to quite a few rally's and on many great rides.  Totaled in 2/8/2008.


1997 BMW K1100LT, Fitted with external fuel cell to stretch the range a bit. Got my Iron Butt Plate riding the 1000 miles in 24 hours. Truly loved this bike, unfortunately was totaled in 2008 when an elderly lady pulled out right in front of me.




2005 BMW K1200LT

I decided not to get another bike until Aug/Sept 2008 or so. I healed up well from the accident and was beginning to strongly consider a BMW GS Adventure of some sort.  After more consideration and being that I tend to take longer hauls, I decided on a K1200LT instead.  In hindsight, a GS would have been a better fit, although the K1200LT served me well, and continues to do so.

(C)2008 (C)2008



1977 BMW R100RS

Going old school because "Old's Cool". First airhead since 1991, trying this again.  This time with a bike that needs a bit of help. What an adventure this turned out to be ... Too much to list here, but in a nutshell all I can say is that this is my favorite kike I have owned so far.  

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) airhead bmw bob's bob's bmw cj360t cx500 cx500turbo honda jessup k1100lt k1200lt k1200rs kawasaki kz1000 kz1000j ltd440 r60 r60/6 turbo z1r z1-r 1000 Wed, 22 Mar 2017 16:28:04 GMT
MD Supertech 2.2 Members of the Maryland chapter of the Airheads Beemer Club put together a FANTASTIC Supertech 2.2 held at the Tuckahoe Steam & Gas Association facility, in Easton, MD in February 2017.  Without the many folks that assisted from other airhead chapters (PA, NJ, CO, VA, ID, CA, NY) this event would not have been as much fun, or as successful.  The weather and the facilities could not have been more co-operative or accommodating, the seminars and hands-on demonstrations were very informative to say the least. There was BMW Motorcycle Dealership representation (thank you Bob Henig from Bob's BMW), independent dealership representation and several vendors were present alerting us to new replacement products. The collection of cut-away's is truly impressive, the countless hours that surely were spent in creating such high quality teaching implement is more then noteworthy.  The food was fantastic, the many new friendships made are invaluable.


Thank you to all MD Supertech "Hedz" that put on such a great event! 


P1120971_smP1120971_smEnrty to the Supertech Site. Great facility!

  • The cut-away's are simply remarkable

  • KATDASH LED instrument pod solution, which appears to be a promising replacement to the ever deteriorating innards. 


  • Lester's, Zip-Ties and Soap .... What could possibly go wrong?


  • And there were a few Airheads! The weather was perfect all weekend to boot!

  • There was some very cool and thoughtful SWAG, and some great Door-Prizes 


  • Of course I had to tend to a bit of the artsy fartsy stuff ....

  • To see more images from Supertech 2.2 please follow the link below:


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 2.2 ABC Airhead BMW Beemer Beemers Club MD R100RS R90S SuperTech Supertech airmail bike vintage Fri, 24 Feb 2017 19:08:31 GMT
Chasing "Leiser Blitz" on "Wings" Quick History Update:

1977 -  UncaNorm acquires a 1977 BMW R100RS SN: 6180040.  Names her "Leiser Blitz", bolts on Lester Wheels and in 1979 a nine gallon Heinrich Tank, the miles pile on.  In 1981 the bike gets parked with 61k on the odometer.  Original fairing was removed and got lost in the shuffle ...  


2014 -  UncaNorm gives Gretchen the R100RS.  Gretchen knows that I'm looking for an airhead and contacts me. An email exchange ensues, in which I seek information about this bike, which she answers including sending many pictures.


In October 2014 I make the decision to purchase Leiser Blitz from her (although technically the original owner as far as the title is concerned is UncaNorm).  So I am the second owner of this bike.


2014 - 2015 -  Leiser Blitz endures a major overhaul ....  performed by RJ, Lew and I with many others being involved in the process somehow or another (all of whom I am extremely thankful for).  Too cool, during the build of the bike, Gretchen scans in a few pictures of UncaNorm and Leiser Blitz and sends them to me.  Priceless artifacts!


Aug 2015: The resurrection of Leiser Blitz is largely completed, Gretchen meets RJ, Lew and I to look at the bike.  She surprises us all with these most exquisite handcrafted clay R77 mugs (yes - she made them for us (one for UncaNorm as well), each mug is custom made for each of us, with our names inscribed in them).  Too cool.



2015 -  UncaNorm and Leiser Blitz are reunited at "his" 41st Annual BMW Finger Lakes rally.  

Norm & Leiser BlitzNorm & Leiser BlitzUncaNorm re-united with Leiser Blitz, what a joy that was to see. He was pleased with the effort we put into this machine!  


The Mission:

Duplicate (at least visually) each of the five historic photos I received from Gretchen.  Most of these photos date back to 1978 - 1980. Dave Good was able to provide me with some particulars on these images.


Image #1:  1979 - Cass, WV, Leatherbark Campground


My version:  Last Chance Rally, 2016

Cool facts: Gretchen took this photo!  The bike on the right belongs to RJ, the project lead and main builder/fabricator of my bike (now called "Wings"). In the foreground is my R77 "40" mug that Gretchen handmade.  

Re-enactorRe-enactorOur version of the previous image, which was taken in 1979.

Image #2: July, 1980...BMWMOA National Rally, complete with fairing scars after cat collision and asphalt slide. Norman thankfully uninjured.


My version: 50th Annual Four Winds Rally, 2016

Cool facts:  The gentleman in the mirror (Dave Good) is the same person depicted in the original image above.  Dave and I have been great friends for years now. Another cool fact is that the mirror is attached to Gretchen's bike, this was her first ride to a rally!  Also, the funds she received from the sale of the R77 afforded her her current ride, a 1976 R90/6.  

It Wasn't a CatIt Wasn't a CatDuplicating a few old rally pictures. Loving this!


The following images are yet to be duplicated - updates to follow, no idea when this was taken.  See if Gretchen can inquire.

NormLB0NormLB0Preumably one of the earlier shots of UncaNorm with Leiser Blitz

Image #4: 1978 Iowa Rally, Purple Cow restaurant for breakfast, Coralville, IA


Image #5:  May, 1978, Cass Rally side ride on then new scenic byway just opened. 


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1977 BMW Blitz Iowa Leiser R100RS Rennsport WV Wings airhead cass cow heinrich leatherbark lester motorcycle purple rally tank Thu, 16 Feb 2017 17:12:00 GMT
Meet "Endeavour" Starting in 1979, the Paris-Dakar rally had caught the public’s attention. Yamaha XT500s won in 1979 and 1980, but BMW planned a major assault for 1981, using as the basis the company’s latest creation: the R80G/S. 

BMW France, working with HPN Motorradtechnik, a small Bavarian company formed by ex-factory race engineers, prepared three special R80G/Ss for the 1981 Paris-Dakar. They finished first, fourth and seventh. Though gearbox problems foiled their 1982 campaign, BMW won the event in three consecutive years from 1983-5 with a bigger-engined 1,000cc version.  Some more modifications were made and the R100GS was born.

Overall, the new GS was bigger, heavier and less off-roadable than the G/S, but struck the right note in terms of its intended market. Offered alongside was a Paris-Dakar version with larger gas tank, hard bags, luggage rack and front impact bars. These items (except the gas tank) were incorporated into the GS for 1991.

The R100GS was last produced in 1996, when it was replaced by the four-valve, oil/air-cooled R1100GS.


So, with all of this being said, and having recently caught the airhead bug, the R100GS Paris-Dakar would be the next bike to add to the lot. And so it begins ....  Harmless searches on the interwebs like a good friend of mine calls it.  An occasional nice example coming up on eBay. Nice Bumble Bee example in TX, little pricey but has my interest.  So I discuss this with my buddy and he says why don't we just build one?  Find a good frame, motor, transmission and we then just bolt stuff on and make a GS.  Hmmm, interesting thought.  Ended up finding someones abandoned project bike on eBay and bought it.  No title though, so this could be an issue in MD.  However, there are lots of good bits on this bike ...  And time goes by, not doing anything with this project bike ... and the GSPD bug strikes again.  

I see a listing on eBay depicting this bike:

GSPD11993 BMW R100GS Paris Dakar





I contacted the owner via eBay, after some email exchanges and one brief phone call I decided I got the "warm and fuzzy" I needed and pulled the trigger on the "Buy It Now" on 10/28/2016.  He indicated storing the bike for a little bit would not be an issue, I promised to be up in a few weekends to retrieve it.

Drove to CT Friday 11/4/2016 - got the bike on Sat. the 5th.  Loved it right away, it is a bit "rough in spots, has quite a bit of patina, just like any good used GS should.  Bill and I went over a few items on the bike, I took her for two quick rides.  This bike is fun to ride!  The 1070 kit sure does give it a little "kick". My hands got cold (no hand guards) but the heated grips did the trick for the short ride.  I'm also not used to only have such a small fairing for wind & cold protection, might have to re-visit options for that down the road. Overall very pleased with this bike, loaded her onto the trailer and strapped her down real good.  Got to tour the an old Ivory Processing plant where Bill keeps this bike.  Very neat place, screams for a "photography visit". After all paper/title work was completed, it was time to head back to MD.

- Modifications -

1.  Used Bill Mayer Saddle

2.  Installed larger windshield (Bill gave me one)

3.  Made a metal bracket and fitted the National Cycle clear hand guard / wind deflectors.  Hoping that these will work well

4.  Installed H4 R3 LED Headlight (as seen on ADVrider)

5.  Installed Voltage Indicator (Red LED = not charging, Yellow LED = over charging)

6.  Installed add'l Relay (powered from black/grey switched taillight (license plate) wire and Distribution Block (jumpered). Will power future auxiliary driving lights through same relay.  (Noticed that previous owner added a few rows of LED's for running and brake lights, also added red LED's in each turn signal housing, so when brakes are applied turn signals illuminate red - kinda cool)  

7.  Installed 2 port USB charger

8.  Installed new Bumm Mirrors  

Not really a modification, but the bike is in desperate need of freshening up the patina.  I know it's a GS and all, and it certainly does not need to be clean, but I decided to spend a little time on rust and caked dirt removal, and "lightly" spot painted the frame to cover the rust here and there.

Removed the Front Engine cover to take a peek and to clean a bit, noticed that PO must have shaved off some material from the inside of the cover possibly to accommodate the "larger Diode board?  Found this hand written note of "2.6oz removed" on the inside of the cover.

Add some pics here ...

9. Installed Touratech Rear Shock

10. Installed a set of Metzeler Tourance tires.  Bike feels so much more sure footed.  Highspeed weave appears to be gone.  













[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1993 bmw dakar endeavour gspd h4 headlight led metzeler motorcycle paris paris-dakar power r100gs r3 rear shock tires tourance touratech white wp Thu, 08 Dec 2016 20:23:20 GMT
Darker Days Exactly how I feel ...  Nuff said.


Road Less TravelledRoad Less TravelledIn the thick of it ...

Dark DaysDark DaysDark Days Ahead

Sunny days will come ....


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) B&W CA Eldorado Forest National black dark darker days fog gloomy life storm trees white Sun, 16 Oct 2016 13:20:00 GMT
Red Sky At Night .... Sailor's delight?  This was taken a few days before we found ourselves in wind speeds of 69 knots .... (According to the instruments on a 41ft Lipari Catamaran).  Hurricane never turned east like he was supposed to.

Red Sky At NightRed Sky At NightA few days before Hurricane Matthew came up the Eastcoast. We had chartered a 41ft Lipari catamaran and headed out to quite an adventure ....

Click here for more images

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 41ft Annapolis Catamaran Irish Lipari MD Maryland Rover at hurricane matthew night red sailing sky Fri, 07 Oct 2016 23:52:00 GMT
1981 BMW R100CS is coming home Pretty excited, finally brought the 1981 BMW R100CS home on 6/19/2016 with 80629 miles on the odometer.  She is wearing an 11 gallon Heinrich "Fuhrmann" tank and color matched Police Fender, neither of which make her look fat.  All parts were painted some time ago by Bob Meier, with the pin striping having been done by Sweeney.


Changing Of The GuardChanging Of The GuardMy new ride - what a beauty. Might need to call this one 'Tanker".

P1010779_HDR_1-Edit-EditP1010779_HDR_1-Edit-EditBMW R100CS

  • Meet my dear friend and the previous owner Dave Good.  He owns the beautiful Red Smoke CS in the image below.  Has been the original owner of that bike!  

Nothing But GoodnessNothing But GoodnessDave Good with his beautiful BMW R100CS's. The red smoke one in the foreground has been my favorite bike ever since I first saw it decades ago. It sports a 9gal Heinrich tank.

A few more images here:


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1981 6188103 BMW Classic Karl Maichingen R100CS SN Sport airhead beemer fuhrmann heinrich motorbike motorcycle motorrad red smoke Fri, 17 Jun 2016 14:33:00 GMT
R77 Rally Circuit Journal If you want to read about the build of this bike with photos, check out this link:

Resurrecting Forty


This blog/journal will be updated as the R77 makes it's round through the rally circuit.  Hopefully these rallies will continue, sadly the crowd is getting older and younger riders aren't joining the BMW Riding Community.



​Finger Lakes BMW Rally #41 (Sep):

UncaNorm sees the R77 back on the road at his rally. Asks me how I was getting home. Todd brought Karl Duffner's R90S with the 13 gallon Heinrich tank.  Ken (MOA) tasked me to capture the "Essence Of Rallying Catering to the younger crowd 5 years from now".  Holy crap, how do I do THAT?  Met lot's of nice folks, Poverty Riders, GS Girls, met two Party Riders (Don & Karl Anderson) I never met before. Great weekend overall, superb weather, entered her into the Vintage Bike Contest, missed winning by 1 vote, (Craig brought a really nice early R77 (#208)), in fact it pulled in as I went to register. Really nice bike.  Todd Trumbore brought Karl Duffner's R90Spezial to the rally with the huge Heinrich tank. So nice to see karl's bike on the rally circuit. Chatted with Todd a bit, what a nice guy! Odometer and tripmeter quit on the way home, Lew's coil crapped out, he had a spare, an hour later we were back on the road.  I ended up finding a good instrument cluster on eBay, used the circuit board out of my cluster, trip and odometer now working.  Mileage on "new" one indicates 67k, mine was at 62k, so not too bad.

RA National Rally, Harrison, AR (Oct):

Great trip with RJ after we completed the fairing (installed lowers and center piece). Nice ride west (first stop: Mr Ed's candy store) then on to the Motel 79 in WV.  Welcome From West Virginia Motel 79 Postcard - a truly funny moment. From there on to Cave City, KY for a night at the Wigwam Village.  Great spot for viewing the Supermoon Eclipse while indulging in a few adult beverages. I believe from there we hit Lambert's Cafe in Sikeston, MO and then saw the famous Duck March at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis TN.  Onto the farm near Texarkana, TX where we spent some relaxing downtime and a nice day in Jefferson. The morning of us getting ready to head to the rally, RJ's bike wouldn't start. Bumped started him to the rally, while a new Starter was being shipped to the Motel near rally site. Uneventful ride to Harrison, AR. Had a couple of nice days there, hung out with a few Party & Poverty Riders. Ride home via quite a bit of old Route 66. Stayed at the Munger Moss Motel on night, great Seafood Dinner and some Moonshine tasting at a local Liquor Store.  Next day had a stop at the infamous Elbow Inn and finding John's Modern Cabins.  We were going to do the arch in St. Louis, but RT 66 kept us from doing the usual brisk pace.  Saw the Worlds largest Ketchup Bottle and Rocking Chair.  The bike uses about 1Qt for 600mi or so, and possibly the oil consumption is slowing down a bit. Overall it was a great trip!


2nd Annual Workers Rally, Gettysburg, PA  (May):

Beautiful day, left in the morning, then about 2 hours into the ride, the bike suddenly died while stopping for slow traffic on 15N.  Horrible place to be in the left lane, dead in the water, no shoulder to work with.  Bike will not start at all.  Pushed it backwards a few hundred yards, then pushed it across 15 and up an on-ramp (against traffic).  Parked the bike in the shade, called RJ, he talked me through a couple of checks and then said that he would buy a battery and head my way. What a guy. However, as luck would have it, there was a CarQuest Auto place just over the guardrail and maybe a 100 yards away.  Went inside, the fine folks assisted with a jump start (to rule in/out battery failure).  Bike fired right up, and of course would not restart. Took battery out, had it tested (its dead) , purchased a new battery (close in size) - but still extremely valuable that we cut the stock battery tray in half to be able to accept a bigger battery!  (Thank YOU again RJ)! Installed it and I was on my way again, maybe an hour downtime total.  Got to the campground, set up camp, beautiful afternoon.  Hung out and watched the rally goers roll in.  As a group, rode to a nice place for dinner and had a good time hanging out at the campground afterwards.  And in the middle of the night, the rains came ... and it poured - seemingly for hours.  The rains finally let up just a bit late morning, we headed to the Battlefield and met the Park Rangers to receive our work assignment, which was to tear down split rail fencing on both sides of the road, maybe a distance of half a mile. We had this knocked out in no-time, Sam gave us a great insight about what occurred at the location of where on the battlefield we were.  Had a nice pizza lunch and then the rains came again.  I am still worried about my bike a bit, Voltmeter is a bit erratic.  Of course I am never really getting up to speed, just slow poking around town or on the battlefield trails.  Took an Uber into town for Dinner and drinks, that was a lot of fun.  Rained again at night, and also when breaking camp the next morning.  Rained the entire ride home.  Still not 100% sure that I may not be cooking this new battery, decided to buy and install a new voltage regulator.  Monitoring now - erratic voltage readings of 14+ are now gone.

50th Annual Four Winds Rally (Aug):



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1000cc 1977 BMW R100 R100RS R77 Wigwam Village airhead antique beemer bike motorcycle rally restored sport touring twin village vintage wigwam Wed, 01 Jun 2016 17:13:00 GMT
End Game The Life and Times of Leiser Blitz, a 1977 BMW R100RS          (Part#5)


(previous Part#4)  Final Assembly


- The End Game -

  • Early in 2015 as we began to see this bike come together so nicely we decided that we would have it ready for the 41st Annual Finger Lakes BMW rally, where this bike will be reunited at the rally with it's original owner. Truly a great goal for us to shoot for, even as some items during this build became taking a bit longer than we had anticipated (mostly because RJ's persistent quality control).
  • The first time she started on the third push of the starter button was a thrilling moment.
  • The bike came off the lift on 28 June 2015, when RJ took her for her first run down a couple of side streets.
  • 5 July 2015, I took it for my first ride, impressive, smooth as silk, even in it's "temporary skin (Lew's tank, no fairing), it looks pretty darn good.
  • Yet another milestone: Bike received its' Historical Plate 15 Jul 2015.  Insurance, registration, title work, paid the taxman.


  • Got to get myself a set of carb sticks - or make some?  Sure could use some advice on this ...


  • The motor looks so nice and clean - amazing


  • A moment of reflection - anticipation of riding this bike is killing me.  Have not ridden an R100RS, EVER.   


  • Boys will be boys ....


  • Whiskey Tango Foxtrot ....


  • Yes Lew - THAT is in fact THE look for you!  LOL - oh my - my brother! I love this guy.


  • Some more tinkering, fiddling, adjusting, re-adjusting.  Attention to detail is second to none.


  • RJ spent hours designing the fairing brace, that proved to be a PITA with the Heinrich tank. Not sure how UncaNorm had this setup back in the day, when he clearly was running the Heinrich with the stock fairing.


  • I couldn't begin to guess how many times we had the fairing on, Heinrich Tank on, Lew's stock tank on, another fairing on, no fairing on.  Just when the bike was beginning to look like "something", we'd peel the skin back off and make add'l final adjustments.


  • While RJ worked through designing custom components, I tended to some more of the "cosmetic" tasks, cleaning and light painting. 


  • Slowly things are beginning to take shape ...  What a good looking bike this will be (IMH and biased Opinion)


  • Oh my, THAT is SHARP!


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  • Thankfully RJ is incredibly patient and willing to do things right, this fairing brace caused us a bit of grief to get it to where he was happy with it.     

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  • We fitted the bike with K75S bars, the stock R100RS bars just seemed too aggressive to me

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  • RJ brought over his Heinrich Fuhrmann tank to see how it would look.  

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  • That is one fine looking machine!  I am biased - but holy smokes does that look sharp ....


  • Seriously?  WTF!  


  • UncaNorm had a 100k BMW mileage award affixed to the seat cowl.  We needed a clever way to "hide" these mounting holes, RJ came up with the brilliant idea of re-purposing a component from Lew's gas grill, and adding the Party Riders Patron Saint Bill Zuber!  Too friggin cool.  

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  • My first outing on the R77 took us to a local establishment, J&B Moto Co. in Wrightsville, PA. Chatted with the fine folks there a bit, saw some neat rafe racers, these guys do great work. 

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  • Gretchen Crane personally designed and handcrafted four of these most exquisite clay tumblers which are absolutely stunning.  The design and colors are perfect, each tumbler is personalized with our name and it holds exactly one 12oz beer, although we also use it now for our morning coffee at rallies. She came down from New York when the build was officially completed (8/30/2015) and presented them to us, which was one of those "I will never forget" moments.  The joy and delight of receiving these is clearly evident in these pictures below. Well done Gretchen! The 4th tumbler was delivered to the original owner at the 41st Annual Finger lakes BMW rally, where he got to see "his" bike in it's resurrected glory.  He was impressed!
  • During this rally, Lew apparently sat his tumbler with beer down at a vendor's table. I guess he purchased something, walked off, leaving it behind. In the meantime, his tumbler gets sold!  Lew had to hunt down the new owner and purchase it back from him - that is just too funny, and you just can't make this shlt up!  


  • RJ attempting to guess what gift he will be bestowed upon. 

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  • This is friggin priceless, so glad I had the camera at the ready to capture this moment of pure joy!

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  • Of course we couldn't wait to test the tumbler's 12oz volume capacity and to ensure there were no leaks other than the big hole on top. What a day! 

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  • Home for now (I had built a little "carport") at the house where I was renting.  



  • Just for general interest, I'm posting this image of R77 #260 (11/76).  It has the matching SN fairing decal on the right "lower".  (As does R77 #208).  Mine is in the main fairing as seen on one of the shots above.


Created this video during the bikes FIRST official "destination" ride to the Prospect Diner.


- All That Was Done -

  • Installed new tachometer seal
  • Assembled fairing, orig. headlight glass, checked, cleaned and repaired wiring harness's where needed.
  • Installed fairing, few adjustment issues (finally resolved)
  • Checked Carbs with vacuum tubes (almost dead on right from setup)
  • Installed steering damper, after cleaning and re-greasing it
  • Multiple Testrides
  • Re-routed various cables, to enhance fitment of Heinrich tank.  
  • Switched coils (ask RJ why)
  • Fit throttle cable "bend relief"
  • Installed new throttle cable boot
  • Below tank fairing bracket re-design
  • Designed and installed refurbished Sidecovers
  • Cleaned and sealed Heinrich and stock tank
  • Instrument cluster mounting bracket re-design, re-design - lol
  • painted mirror bases (Dupli-Color Avignon Blue Metallic)
  • Painted steering damper adjuster nut cover
  • Fitted modified right carburetor lid (choke cable retention tab removed)
  • Installed RJ modified Krauser luggage rack
  • Removal of Krauser Bag Latches to be used on BMW bags
  • Removed heated grips, installed some very comfortable ones Lew gave me (ask what kind)
  • Shortened rear blinker bar to fit bags without touching blinker housing
  • Mount marine hardware for bungee cord retention
  • Painted lower center fairing piece (around shocks)
  • Poss. conversion to Electronic Tach
  • poss. fixing of MotoMeter Voltmeter with correct white face dial
  • replaced fork oil with Dan King recommended oil (which is?)
  • inserted 1.5 in spacers into fork tubes (PVC pipe)

- Possible "Stictation" Issue to be resolved, front end feels bumpy when going down fairly decent roads

  • Removed fork spacers, installed Progressive Heavy Duty springs
  • Fitted and installed Krauser latches to BMW Touring Cases, and mounted them to Krauser bag frame
  • Still working through fairing alignment, RJ continuing to design under tank fairing brace to fit Heinrich Tank.
  • Adjusted dead front spoke, front wheel, re-balanced and mounted wheel

- Multiple test rides (approx 30 mi. total).  Bike is strong, pulls hard, sounds and runs well.  Beginning to embrace the old school concept more and more. 

  • Researching speedometer glass replacement, also need the rubber sun shield around each instrument (Capital Cycle)
  • Custom under tank fairing brace completed and fitted
  • Instrument cluster dissasembly, general cleaning, replaced bad high beam bulb, fitting speedo glass (lexan?)
  • partial rebuild on Karcoma straight petcocks and installed into Heinrich
  • Installed Oil Shim
  • Front brake adjustment (squeels a bit)

- Few more test rides, including one to J&B Moto Company, neat bikes they are building:

  • Fitted completed under tank fairing brace and installed Heinrich Tank
  • RJ made crafted a nice piece of Lexan to replace the missing and tired looking instrument cluster glass. Got new rubber sun shields for Tach and Speedo
  • Installed accessory plug for Battery Tender / USB power for iPhone/GPS
  • Installed upper fork fairing "spider"
  • Adjusted Front Brakes
  • Checked and added a little oil
  • Checked valves
  • Installed new - old valve covers
  • Installed very clean looking RAM mount for iPhone/GPS
  • Original Odometer failed.  Rather then fixing, decided to get another instrument cluster (1975 vintage) that had about 5k miles more the original (62k vs. 67k).


- Final Credits -

  • UncaNorm and Shari Strawser
  • Gretchen and Chris Crane
  • George Bressler
  • Joe Mirenzi
  • RJ
  • RJ's welder
  • Lew Sellers
  • Lew's dad for the many tools we used
  • Lew's family
  • Mark Thrift
  • David Lichtenwalner
  • Frank Podgewaite
  • Dan King
  • Randy Long
  • Todd McDannell
  • The many mystery guests: Elsie, Mike & Desi, Goodie, Matt, Mark
  • The fine folks at the Prospect Diner
  • Ace Hardware
  • PEZ Visitor Center
  • Various Breweries and Beer Distributors
  • eBay
  • The writers and editors of the many technical manuals we referred to 


Final build stats:  an estimated 492 hours and of course over budget.  Was it worth it?  Holy crap yes!


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 191 1977 40 6180040 AC/DC BMW Bill Briel Co End Game Forty Fuhrmann Heinrich J&B Moto Party Party Riders Patron R100 R100RS R77 RS Riders Saint Zuber airhead bike clay cooler end engine game motorcycle pottery restoration restore tank tumbler Tue, 23 Feb 2016 19:33:02 GMT
Final Assembly The Life and Times of Leiser Blitz, a 1977 BMW R100RS          (Part#4)


(previous Part#3) The Assembly



- The Final Assembly -

  • Early in 2015 as we began to see this bike come together so nicely we decided that we would have it ready for the 41st Annual Finger Lakes BMW rally, where this bike will be reunited at the rally with it's original owner. Truly a great goal for us to shoot for, even as some items during this build became taking a bit longer than we had anticipated (mostly because RJ's persistent quality control).

P1150280P1150280 P1150286P1150286 P1150290P1150290 P1150291P1150291 P1150293P1150293 P1150304P1150304 P1150307P1150307 P1150308P1150308 P1150309P1150309 P1150311P1150311 P1150313P1150313 P1150314P1150314 P1150315P1150315 P1150317P1150317 P1150321P1150321 P1150323P1150323 P1150326P1150326 P1150327P1150327 P1150328P1150328 P1150329P1150329 P1150331P1150331 P1150332P1150332 P1150334P1150334 P1150336P1150336 P1150338P1150338

P1150341P1150341 P1150345P1150345 P1150349P1150349 P1150357P1150357 P1150362P1150362 P1150364P1150364 P1150365P1150365 P1150367P1150367 P1150387P1150387 P1150388P1150388 P1150390P1150390 P1150397P1150397 P1150399P1150399 P1150401P1150401 P1150403P1150403 P1150404P1150404 P1150405P1150405 P1150406P1150406 P1150407P1150407 P1150408P1150408

P1150413P1150413 P1150414P1150414 P1150417P1150417 P1150418P1150418 P1150638P1150638 P1150639P1150639 P1150643P1150643 P1150646P1150646 P1150649P1150649 P1150650P1150650 P1150659P1150659 P1150660P1150660

Side Covers smallSide Covers small IMG_8438IMG_8438 IMG_8439IMG_8439 IMG_8440IMG_8440 IMG_8442IMG_8442 IMG_8460IMG_8460 IMG_8461IMG_8461 IMG_8462IMG_8462 IMG_8463IMG_8463 P1150734P1150734 IMG_8465IMG_8465 IMG_8466IMG_8466 IMG_8468IMG_8468 P1150830P1150830 P1150836P1150836 P1150845P1150845 P1150846P1150846 P1150847P1150847 P1150849P1150849 P1150852P1150852 P1150853P1150853 P1150856P1150856 P1150857P1150857 P1150858P1150858 IMG_8012IMG_8012 IMG_8150IMG_8150 P1150864P1150864 P1150865P1150865 P1150867P1150867 P1150868P1150868 P1150871P1150871 P1150875P1150875 P1150878P1150878 P1150879P1150879 P1150883P1150883 P1150884P1150884 P1150885P1150885 P1150890P1150890 P1150891P1150891

P1150893P1150893 P1150900P1150900 P1150903P1150903 P1150904P1150904 P1150905P1150905 P1150906P1150906 P1150913P1150913 P1150914P1150914 P1150915P1150915 P1150919P1150919 P1160465P1160465 P1160467P1160467 P1160468P1160468 P1160469P1160469 P1160473P1160473 P1160474P1160474 P1160476P1160476 P1160478P1160478 P1160480P1160480 P1160481P1160481 P1160485P1160485 P1160493P1160493 P1160505P1160505 P1160509P1160509 P1160513P1160513 P1160527P1160527 P1160529P1160529 P1160534P1160534 P1160535P1160535 P1160539P1160539 P1160541P1160541

Part#5    The End Game


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1977 40 6180040 BMW Briel Forty R100 R100RS R77 RS airhead assembly bike cooler crossroads cylinder engine final final assembly motorcycle oil part3 pepperoni rebuild restoration restore Wed, 17 Feb 2016 14:12:52 GMT
The Assembly The Life and Times of Leiser Blitz, a 1977 BMW R100RS           (Part#3)

(previous  Part#2)    The Crossroads


- The Assembly -

  • So it begins - after almost 2 months of tearing this bike apart and seeing various parts being shipped off (powder coater, head work, final drive), it was nice to see items return to the garage and to visually get an idea of how nice this will look. Of course RJ, Lew and I did quite a bit of work on other parts (Transmission, bearings, forks, fender, side covers, etc).
  • Finally the frame came back the powder coater and RJ literally couldn't wait to show it to me and the special touches he added (added some strenght near foot pegs where things are prone to crack, filled in the battery cover subframe gap that could be visually more appealing, added strenght to the center stand, since we are using the Briel Oil Cooler. - WOW - this looks fantastic! iel oil cooler).  
  • RJ took painstaking efforts to save the original SN plate (riveted to frame), then attached it back, and even grinding down the screws to make them look like rivets.  Absolutely amazing what this guy will do, attention to detail is like none other I have seen.

​ P1140457P1140457

  • As a side note:  R77 #260, also indicates the place of manufacturer on his serial number plate.  The owner of #260 also confirmed that his is a big pipe bike, i.e. 40mm exhaust.  Below is a picture of his SN tag:


  • The frame turned out very nice! We all are very pleased, Todd did a great job on all of the parts we asked him to do for us.

Todd McDannell, owner of Wicked Rides Powdercoating, 130 Bigham Rd., Gettysburg, PA



  • RJ added some neat add'l centerstand bracing, since with us using the Briel Oil Cooler, we are missing one add'l centerstand cross bar 

P1140398P1140398 IMG_8113IMG_8113

  • RJ had his welder add one small tab to each side of the subframe, that will fill in the gap that generally exists between battery cover and subframe.  Very nice touch, great presence of mind, the attention to detail is remarkable. 

P1140738P1140738 P1140739P1140739

  • Dan King rebuilt the forks for us, great job, thanks DAN!


  • So, with the frame and RJ's custom work looking so nice, it forced us to really step it up, the "base" of the build looks so nice, it would be a shame not to carry that through the remainder of the build.
  • RJ started to freshen up the engine block a bit, and WOW does it look nice! He used Krylon Dull Aluminum
  • We continued the build in somewhat subzero conditions, hard to bolt shlt on when hands are mostly in pockets!   


  • Lew and RJ would have fun inviting various mystery guests for breakfast and then to come over and see our progress.  Meet my good buddy Dave Good, he and the previous owner used to ride together, in fact Dave took the "It was a CAT" picture and is visible in the rear view mirror of that shot.  Goodie has 2 beautiful R100CS's, often he and I reserved the right to ride home together from Fingers and exploring some of the higher speeds our bikes' are capable of.  

P1140491P1140491 P1140494P1140494 P1140498P1140498

  • Despite running 2 kerosene heaters, it still was bitterly cold in the garage on more than one occasion. At least that also kept the beer cold.


  • And just like that, we half 1/2 of a rolling chassis!
  • I need to make a special mention here referring the the "DNA" of the Lower Yoke - This part is from Mark Thrift's bike, which later also belonged to David Lichtenwalner (Alphabet) and even later was on RJ's bike.  So there is a bit of DCR (Dutch Country Riders) history rolling around! 


  • RJ's futile attempt to heat up the garage ....


  • In this photo one can begin to see that advantage of RJ's center stand bracing, with the Briel oil cooler and the deep oil pan (neither of them installed yet), there would be no clearance with the stock center stand.



  • The transmission has been painstakingly cleaned by RJ, has been through his kitchen sink and bathtub more times then he would probably like to admit.  

P1140525P1140525 P1140529P1140529 P1140530P1140530 P1140531P1140531 P1140535P1140535 P1140537P1140537 P1140539P1140539 P1140540P1140540 P1140546P1140546 P1140548P1140548 P1140551P1140551

  • Found a nice powdercoated Brown's sidestand on eBay - looks and functions perfect


  • RJ's typical attention to detail, protecting the frame portion to which the fairing brace will attach

P1140587P1140587 P1140588P1140588 P1140593P1140593 P1140594P1140594 P1140595P1140595

  • The Briel oil cooler and deep sump oil pan require a "deeper" oil pick-up, which RJ fabricated from stock aluminum.   

P1140598P1140598 P1140599P1140599 P1140600P1140600 P1140601P1140601 P1140602P1140602

  • Onto devising an improved Diode Board mounting technique

P1140603P1140603 P1140605P1140605 P1140606P1140606 P1140608P1140608

P1140614P1140614 P1140617P1140617 P1140618P1140618 P1140619P1140619 P1140620P1140620

  • Cleaned and bench tested the original starter.  Seemed to be in good shape and checked out fine, bolting it on.

P1140629P1140629 P1140624P1140624

  • Fairing Brace mounted

P1140626P1140626 P1140628P1140628   

  • Back to installing the Briel, deeper oil pickup, and sump.

P1140630P1140630 P1140635P1140635 P1140636P1140636 P1140637P1140637 P1140639P1140639 P1140646P1140646 P1140648P1140648 P1140649P1140649 P1140651P1140651 P1140652P1140652

  • Headlight bucket now installed

P1140667P1140667 P1140671P1140671

  • Mother winter continues to have her hold on PA


  • DuClaw Serum Double IPA "Craft Be Cherished Rules Be Dammed"   - This slogan applies to this bike build to some extent 

P1140684P1140684 P1140685P1140685

  • Heads are now back from having been gone over by Randy Long  -  looking fantastic 

P1140687P1140687 P1140688P1140688 P1140690P1140690

  • Going with a 1981 swingarm sourced from eBay

P1140693P1140693 P1140694P1140694 P1140697P1140697

  • Transmission looks absolutely fantastic - WOW

P1140699P1140699 P1140700P1140700 P1140702P1140702 P1140710P1140710

  • Not 100% sure why we slotted this pin, but clearly we did.  Gotta ask RJ about this.

P1140713P1140713 P1140719P1140719

  • Here is a picture of only the second wallet Mike has ever owned in his life.  It is a gem and make me laugh every time he pulls it out. 


  • Slotted the breather vent tube slot for easier install/disassembly of aircleaner covers

P1140726P1140726 P1140727P1140727 P1140732P1140732 P1140733P1140733


  • Transmission bolted on

​ P1140748P1140748

  • Powdercoated 1981 swingarm went on next

P1140752P1140752 P1140753P1140753 P1140759P1140759 P1140760P1140760 P1140761P1140761 P1140762P1140762 P1140770P1140770 P1140791P1140791

  • Yes indeed, we saved all of the bottle caps of the beers that were consumed while the bike was hosted at Lew's, one day I will count them all.

P1140811P1140811 P1140817P1140817 P1150204P1150204 P1150205P1150205

P1150210P1150210 P1150211P1150211 P1150213P1150213 P1150214P1150214 P1150216P1150216 P1150218P1150218 P1150221P1150221 P1150222P1150222 P1150223P1150223 P1150224P1150224 P1150226P1150226 P1150228P1150228 P1150232P1150232 P1150235P1150235

P1150240P1150240 P1150241P1150241 P1150243P1150243 P1150246P1150246 P1150247P1150247 P1150249P1150249 P1150251P1150251 P1150256P1150256

P1150258P1150258 P1150259P1150259 P1150260P1150260

And now on to the Final Assembly - Things are looking up & coming together REALLY nice!

Final Assembly

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1977 40 6180040 BMW Briel Forty Long R100 R100RS R77 RS Randy airhead assembly bike cooler crossroads cylinder engine motorcycle oil part3 pepperoni rebuild restoration restore Wed, 17 Feb 2016 11:44:10 GMT
The Crossroads The Life and Times of Leiser Blitz, a 1977 BMW R100RS          (Part#2)

(previous  Part#1)  Resurrecting Forty


- The Crossroads -

  • Last month (Dec 2014) or so was spent tearing the bike down.  There have been no "real" surprises so far.  Found most bearings in transmission to be quite worn, the final drive splines are about 50% gone.  Right side exhaust was hard to remove, everything pertaining to the right side of the motor has been a bit more difficult than the left.


  • Keep "original" or "restore"?  Or something in between?  As we continue to disassemble and remove components from the bike, it's clear the frame is in need of paint here and there.  Contemplating " rattle-canning" it where needed. So, as soon as parts of the frame get painted, the bike is no longer original - the value diminishes. I am not concerned about the bikes' "value", I will never re-coup what we have put into this project financially and equally important, how much time we invested into this (esp. RJ). More than likely this bike will not ever be for sale (I have not even ridden it, no idea I will even like it).  Still, we are building this bike for "me", not for future resale, so even though keeping it mostly stock (or easily reversible), it will not be 100% original, and I am absolutely OK with that. So, frame, sub-frame, center stand, battery box, are being shipped off to Gettysburg to get powder coated.  Missing from the image are the stock and '81 swingarm we will use on the build.

All Thats Left_smAll Thats Left_sm P1130694P1130694

- The Build Continues -

So while items are being powder coated, we began working on various other components and tore down the motor. Our friend Dan King re-built the forks for us, and helped us quite a bit with the initial engine part inspection, clean-up, "light" cylinder wall honing, piston ring replacement, etc.

  • Inspected timing chain (original, no masterlink), well within spec, looks fantastic, rubber on timing chain tensioner is barely worn
  • Inspected and found 2 cracks on frame near rider footpegs.  Welded to reinforce frame section
  • Rebuilt front forks (Dan King) - 2 hole setup for stiffer dampening with BMW spec oil grade - new fork seals
  • Powder coated frame, sub-frame, center stand, swingarm and modified battery box
  • Remachined final drive gear by Randy Long (worn about 50%)
  • Honed cylinders to remove light surface rust (esp. right cylinder)
  • Cleaned pistons, replaced piston rings
  • Head Work by Randy Long, replaced valve guides, bead blasted heads
  • New rocker arm shims
  • Reinstalled motor core into frame
  • installed front forks (with lower steering yoke)
  • Installed Centerstand with additional bracing (looks so cool)
  • Installed Diode Board with mounting improvement (hopefully eliminating getting into Starter compartment)
  • Installed Starter, modified breather valve cover
  • Reinstalled fork lock
  • Welded and strengthened fairing brace, vinyl protection applied between brace and steering head  
  • Cleaned, sanded, fixed, and painted new "old (1977)" replacement side covers, new 1000cc decals applied
  • Repainted rear fender
  • Re-installed driveshaft (new bearings) into 1981 swingarm
  • Installed 1981 swingarm (a bit beefier)
  • Kinda cool: Previous Owner bought the bike at Miller's Cycle Shop, Palmerton PA, according to a decal on one of the sidecovers.  Since I am freshening up the covers, I called R&D (formerly Miller's) Cycle Shop, spoke with Dave, he will send me a couple of decals which very much look like the Miller decals ....  How cool ....  Look them up, or call Dave @ 610-826-2319
  • Diode Board mounting improvement (hopefully eliminating getting into Starter compartment)
  • Cleaned, repainted Briel Oil Cooler, oil pickup (modified with aluminum bushing), oil pan (new gaskets where necessary)
  • Re-installed subframe
  • New wheel bearings, grease - cleaned orig. spoke pinstripe wheels, mounted both after getting inner tubes and new tires.  
  • Switched stock black grab rail with chromed version (just because I wanted to)


  • Here is a picture of a re-furbished final drive that Lew had shipped off to be re-machined.  I will probably have to do the same ($180 incl. shipping)

P1130862P1130862 P1130863P1130863

  • Below pictures of the original side covers, I will probably moth ball these originals and then freshen up some new ones. Would be cool to somehow duplicate these decals - food for thought


  • So I get on the Intertubes and search for "Miller's Cycle Shop, Palmerton PA" and sure as heck, R & D Power Sports pops up, they even retained the same phone number.  So I called them.  Give my Spiel that I am restoring a bike which has a decal of Miller's Cycle Shop, and if there was anyway that they still might have some old ones laying around.  The person I spoke with replies: "I don't think we have any old ones laying around, but ours are almost identical in color and size."  I politely asked if he would mail me a couple of them (I offered to pay which was declined), and about a week later I had a couple of very similar decals in my mailbox.  How cool!  I will have to visit this shop sometime.


  • Later I also sourced the AMA Theft Reward Decal ($200) in just about pristine condition ... so I had to get that as well.

P1130867P1130867 P1130868P1130868

  • Plenty of vices hard at work!


  • This bin of BMW random nuts, washers and bolts came in so handy on so many occasions, thank you Lew for providing that invaluable resource.

P1130876P1130876 P1130877P1130877

  • Yeah, I think that gear got a few nibbles on it.

P1130878P1130878 P1130879P1130879 P1130882P1130882 P1130886P1130886 P1130887P1130887

  • Ok I'm sorry, but THAT is just disgusting ...  what in the heck is this?


  • Great shot here (sadly terribly out of focus) but still clearly shows the worn splines on the Final Drive. So after 61k miles, appear to be about 50% gone. Previous owner was known to ride pretty hard, 80k is probably as far as these can be safely pushed. (IMHO). I will have this shipped out and re-furbished, like Lew did with his in the pictures above.


  • For New Years we stopped wrenching early, had a good dinner and just hung out with cigars and a few cold beers. 

P1130892P1130892 P1130894P1130894 P1130895P1130895 P1130896P1130896 P1130904P1130904

  • And so 2015 arrives ... This year should be huge, planning on having this bike ready for the 41st annual Finger Lakes BMW rally where the previous owner will get to see "his" bike again.  We are having so much fun meeting up for these weekend builds.  RJ and Lew are often meeting up when I can't be there due to work or other conflicts. We have developed a cool dynamic, one of three brothers working together.  RJ being the oldest constantly having to keep Lew and I in check, as we are constantly goofing off, messing with each other all in good fun of course.


  • Found these side covers on eBay, date stamped as '76, so perfect vintage!  I will spruce these up a bit.


  • Moving on to take a look at the heart of this beast ....  the bike was parked since 1981, so we have no idea on it's running condition. 

P1130943P1130943 P1130944P1130944

  • Nothing too surprising really, four years and 61000 hard miles will leave a mark somewhere!

P1130946P1130946 P1130947P1130947 P1130948P1130948

  • Stock heavy duty flywheel!  RJ and I had about a 2 second discussion of going with the lightened flywheel - 'Yeah. we're not doing that!" -LOL-  

P1130953P1130953 P1130954P1130954 P1130955P1130955 P1130956P1130956 P1130958P1130958 P1130961P1130961

  • In conjunction with tearing down the motor, a good friend and airhead enthusiast Dan King re-built the forks for us.  

P1130951P1130951 P1130952P1130952

  • Dan also helped us with some of the initial engine parts inspection, carbon build-up removal, "light" honing of the cylinder walls (rust removal), installation of new piston rings, etc.

P1130962P1130962 P1130966P1130966 P1130968P1130968 P1130974P1130974 P1130975P1130975 P1130978P1130978 P1130980P1130980 P1130982P1130982 P1130983P1130983 P1130984P1130984 P1130995P1130995 P1130999P1130999 P1140002P1140002 P1140003P1140003

  • Gotta tend to the side covers a bit, as often with purchasing from eBay, items look a bit better than what you'd expected them to. It is what it is, certainly fixable. Used the Dremel tool to widen the cracks a bit, then used Marine Epoxy to fill it back in. 

P1140010P1140010 P1140011P1140011 P1140012P1140012 P1140013P1140013 P1140014P1140014 P1140015P1140015

  • Low cost rattle can paint booth.  Lew was not pleased about my use of non-BMW approved paint. We joked around about this quite a bit, he always made sure to point out that he would NEVER have done it, had it been his bike.  I think it's hilarious and actually turned out looking nice.  

P1140375P1140375 P1140383P1140383 P1140384P1140384

IMG_8115IMG_8115 IMG_8116IMG_8116 IMG_8117IMG_8117 P1140385P1140385 P1140386P1140386 P1140387P1140387

  • Time to reassemble the swingarm.  RJ will also make his own tools to make life easier as it pertains to working on airheads.

P1140409P1140409 P1140411P1140411 P1140412P1140412 P1140413P1140413 P1140415P1140415

  • Upon RJ's recommendation we purchased a serviceable beefier swingarm (1981), had it (and the original) powdercoated with the remainder of parts we had shipped off.  

P1140416P1140416 P1140419P1140419 P1140420P1140420 P1140422P1140422

  • Yummy, pepperoni left over from New Years neatly tucked away among the other bags of parts.  Time to begin putting some of the motor back together and set it into the frame.  RJ used anti-seize on just about every bolt and gasket on this bike.  I mean he used it religiously, not one bolt didn't get a bit of "Schmutz" on it.

P1140423P1140423 IMG_8121IMG_8121 IMG_8122IMG_8122 P1140425P1140425 P1140428P1140428

  • While RJ worked on the bike, Lew and I were often goofing off.  Yes, Lew licked my timing chain!

P1140429P1140429 P1140432P1140432 P1140436P1140436

  • We often referred to the various technical reference manuals for torque and misc other specs.  Rarely did we refer to it for "How does THIS go back together"? Lew and RJ are equally talented in that regard, they know these machines in and out!  What a resource to have!

P1140440P1140440 P1140441P1140441 P1140446P1140446

  • So: Whom do you know in the airhead riding community that has eaten a slice of day old pepperoni off of the timing chain bearing pulley?


  • Liberally applying Schmutz!




  • RJ diligently cleaned every square millimeter of this transmission!  It has gone through his sink and bathtub!

P1140525P1140525 P1140531P1140531 P1140535P1140535


Continue on to Part#3 - The Assembly


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1977 2 40 6180040 BMW Briel Forty Part R100 R100RS R77 RS airhead bike cooler crossroads cylinder engine motorcycle oil part2 pepperoni rebuild restoration restore Wed, 23 Dec 2015 16:51:52 GMT
Resurrecting Forty The Life and Times of Leiser Blitz, a 1977 BMW R100RS       (Part#1)

- The Early Years -

  • Born sometime Aug 1976 at the BMW Plant in Berlin, Germany, immigrated to the United States right away. 
  • Arrived in the US, finally adopted in 1977 while being in foster care at "Miller's Cycle Shop, Palmerton, PA"
  • Spring of 1979:  9 Gallon Heinrich Tank gets bolted on, miles accumulate
  • 1980:  Minor incident with a cat on the way to BMWMOA rally in Prineville, OR.  Got a few scuffs and bruises. Saw Canadian Rockies on the way home to East Coast.
  • Parked in late 1981 with 61052 miles on odometer, a few belongings went missing over the years, including the fairing that matches this bike (matching SN tag attached inside of fairing near right turn signal).  Side note: (R77 #208 & #260 have this "decal" affixed on the inside of the right "lower", not the fairing itself)


Pictures below are of Leiser Blitz, with it's original owner, Norm Strawser (aka UncaNorm or Shagnasty)

NormLB0NormLB0 NormLB1NormLB1


NormLB2NormLB2 NormLB3NormLB3

  • Picture below was taken at a rally after UncaNorm tried to avoid a cat around 2am on the way to the National Rally in Prineville, OR. He laid the bike down, scraped up the fairing, busted a pet cock while "getting off" the bike.  He still managed to make the rally, placed this sign on the fairing to let his friends know what happened. The photographer (seen in the rear view mirror) is David Good, with whom I still get to ride now!  Too cool.  UncaNorm rode home via the Canadian Rockies, and I suspect the fairing came off closely after that and was lost.


- Pre-Adoption -

  • Seeing quite a few airheads at the 40th Annual BMW Finger Lakes Rally, I casually mentioned to a friend:  "You know Gretchen, I think I'm getting close to wanting an airhead, and see what the fuss is all about".  This probably came as a bit of a shock - I'm a K-bike guy.


  • As usual, the group from Canada brought a nice contingent of various R100's, RS's and R90's to Finger Lakes, I looked them over and took a few cool shots one early morning. I have always loved the look of the R100RS.


  • Perhaps a month later Gretchen mentioned that she and her husband each received a bike from UncaNorm.  Chris got a K75S, while Gretchen got a R100RS.  She mentioned that the R100RS is not exactly what she would want to ride, that it needed some work and wanted to pass on to me that she would probably sell it. She knew I was playing around with the idea of owning an airhead, so I suppose I got first dibs.   
  • A dialogue begins, I ask questions and also ask Gretchen for some pictures.  Pictures roll in, this is clearly a project bike, something I was not quite ready for.


  • Gretchen mentioned that Norm also still has the Heinrich tank that used to be on this bike, wow, I would love to have that as well.  I know this would be separate "deal", but indicated to Gretchen that she please ask Norm if he would be willing to sell me the tank. She did, and I suppose that seed was planted!  Holy smokes, not only am I getting a pretty cool bike, I might also get my first Heinrich tank.

​ 20141013_140333_resized20141013_140333_resized

  • Yes, things are a little rough ....


  • Things somehow became detached over the years - lol

20141017_181511_resized20141017_181511_resized 20141017_181516_resized20141017_181516_resized

  • Sadly no fairing - that is a bummer.  Could make this into a cool cafe racer?

20141017_181537_resized20141017_181537_resized 20141017_181550_resized20141017_181550_resized 20141017_181556_resized20141017_181556_resized

  • Yeah - this won't "buff out"!


  • Heck, it even has thirty year old sticker tires on it!!! LOL

20141017_181810_resized20141017_181810_resized 20141017_181818_resized20141017_181818_resized 20141017_181649_resized20141017_181649_resized

  • Still , I am intrigued.  There apparently are a few extra miscellaneous parts that come with this bike as well.
  • Oh what to do?  I've owned one airhead previously, a BMW R60/6, which I remembered as a dreadfully slow bike, it turned me off on BMW's for years (until I bought a 1997 K1100LT).  Am I ready to give the old twins another try?  I don't have the knowledge or the know-how to bring this bike back to life. And here is where this story begins ...


- Proposing The Idea -

  • Just to level set the reader: RJ and I have been friends since 1999, with a sizeable break in between due to geographically challenges. RJ (in my circle) is known to be an airhead guru, always tinkers with bikes, finds ways to improve BMW's design and essentially customizing any of his bikes to fit exactly his needs.  And I don't mean installing farkles .....  I'm talking about ripping the entire electronic fuel injection components out of his 2005 GS and retrofitting it with 40mm Bing Carbs, gaining fuel capacity in the process. This is just ONE of his many ideas, and these implementations make sense, reverting things back in simplicity, replacing them with components he is very familiar with.  


  • RJ and I were heading to the Great Pumpkin Fly-In and hopefully see the Fokker DR1 take flight at Grimes Airfield in Bethel, PA. Another friend Lew was going to meet RJ and I for breakfast at the Prospect Diner in Columbia, PA.
  • I've met Lew a few times prior, very nice guy. Little did I know that he was going to be an integral part of this story ...
  • So over breakfast, I pitched the idea of me buying an old airhead, and if they would be willing to help me build it. This is an ironic statement as it turns out, I would be helping them to build it.  Left to Right:  Andy, Lew, RJ

Where it all beganPitching The PlanAndy, Lew, RJ (left to right)

  • It seems like both, Lew AND RJ were very excited about the idea of putting a bike that has a bit of history in the BMW club I belong to (Dutch Country Riders) back on the road. Shagnasty is a bit of a legend in the club, to see his ride back on the road again after 3 decades will be pretty special. Lew and RJ  both were onboard if I were to decide to purchase the bike. - WOW - too cool.  RJ even said (after seeing pictures): "Heck it looks great, it's almost all there!"  
  • On our way to Grimes, I called Gretchen and verbally agreed to buy the bike.  I also agreed to the purchase of the 34 Liter Heinrich tank (9 gallons), in a separate transaction with UncaNorm.
  • At Grimes some interesting things happened (as they tend to - when you hang out with RJ), but in a nutshell I got back a set of jump wings (I had "lent" mine to a dear friend from Australia, after he and I hiked to the peak of Currahee in Toccoa, GA (he in WWII paratrooper uniform, me in my modern day paratrooper outfit).  In the mini-series "Band Of Brothers", a lot of the parachute units used to have to "run" Currahee as part of their physical conditioning. So the day I verbally agree to buy the bike and the Heinrich tank, I get back a pair of jump wings that were given to the re-enactor RJ and I met at Grimes, only these jump wings were given to him by Maj Dick Winters.  I can't believe this!


- The Research Begins -

  • Getting some more pictures of the bike, items that are sold with it, also asked and received the Serial Number 6180040
  • Began doing some research --- hmmm, this RS is actually "special", given the low number (#40), so it has the bigger 40mm exhaust ports, 40mm Bing carbs, 40mm pipes (actually 42mm I suppose) and a Serial Number tag in the fairing, which matches the frame/engine.  Of course, sadly I don't have the matching fairing.


- The Hunt For One Important Part -

  • Yet more research and after a couple of conversations between club members we gathered that the original fairing might still be around ... REALLY? Placed a few emails and made some phone calls ...  This was getting more and more interesting. 
  • Placed yet another phone call, and left a voicemail message for Joe. No response.  Shucks.  Finally, 3 days later the phone rings, Joe and I chat a bit, sure as heck he has the original fairing hanging in his garage!  Sadly I don't remember how I knew that there might be a decal on the inside of the fairing that matches the bikes' SN, I suppose I must have seen or read about it's existence on the Interwebs.  I asked Joe if he could please verify a number that should be on a decal on the inside of the fairing.  The phone crackles back to live and I hear:  Uh, looks like "6180040".  Holy crap, I couldn't believe it! I verbally committed to buy it, sight unseen, especially after Joe indicated a very reasonable price.  Holy smokes - I will have a matching, intact early R100RS!
  • So, this changed everything as far as the bike is concerned.  Initially, (since I already have a great touring bike (K1200LT)) I was going to make this into a fun Cafe Racer of some sort. Having "THE" matching fairing changed everything, a fairly "stock" build is what we would strive for.
  • In another very important development, Lew and RJ discussed that it would make most sense to build her in Lew's garage.  I was a little uneasy with that at first, didn't want to impose like that, thought now we had to align three person's schedules' to meet up on "build days". This proved to be totally moot, in fact building her at Lew's was the best thing that could have happened. I gained a brother!  His family was extremely accommodating, we shared many meals together - it couldn't have been better. A huge "THANK YOU" to Lew and Family!  How does one ever re-pay that?        


- The Adoption -

  • So the Adoption was set for 11/15/14, first I swung by Joe's in PA, retrieved the fairing, met RJ there and continued on to NY in his truck, to get the bike, misc parts and the Heinrich tank.  Oddly, and this only occurred to me later, the sum of 11/15/14 is Forty. I decided to seriously consider an airhead at the 40th Finger Lakes Rally, I took ownership of the fairing matching 40, we picked up #40 on a date which its' sum equals 40.  The "Forty" theme became an integral part of this build.


  • The coveted and now somewhat mysterious fairing decal matching the rest of the bike is there!

IMG_87186180040Coveted Fairing Decal

  • Joe with the original fairing - I was amazed as to the overall great condition it was in.

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  • The bike is now essentially complete with the acquisition of the original fairing


  • RJ and I stopped at Monica's Pies to get a treat or too since Gretchen and Chris have invited us to stay the night when we pick up the bike.  Sadly we heard that Monica's mom passed away the night prior.


  • When we arrived in NY, Chris had already taken the bike out of the garage, so cool to finally get a look at this thing in person.  I have to admit, I liked her right away.  RJ was sharing in my excitement. After seeing the bike, we also got to see the misc parts that came with the bike, the list was impressive and too extensive to be listed here.  It also did include the original spoked and pin-striped wheels, which are getting to be a rare find.

​ Picking her up2_smPicking her up2_sm

IMG_7831 (2)IMG_7831 (2)

  • RJ looking things over, I think both of us were very pleased!

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  • First picture of me with my new ride ... my entry into the world of airheads.  

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  • RJ and I had already been friends for many years, little did I know how much closer our friendship would become over the next year as we met up at Lew's for what seemed like almost weekly weekend builds. Same goes for Lew, we all consider each other as brothers now.  Besides building an incredible bike, this brotherhood is what I cherish the most.  Both RJ and Lew went WAY above and beyond, I can never re-pay this, and will not even attempt to try.   

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  • And then onto the "goodie" pile in the basement, included but not pictured here, are the original pin striped spoke wheels! I frankly didn't take a picture of them because I had no idea of their significance.  The early R77's came with spoked wheels that had blue pinstripes.  UncaNorm ordered and mounted Lester wheels and these spoked ones where "moth balled".   (These wheels are known to be "Almost Unobtainium").  I had no idea I was getting these as part of the "deal", and am very thankful that I have them, and that for the first year at least, we will run the bike with them mounted. 

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  • We loaded the bike and stowed all of the extra's for the ride home to PA the following day.

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  • Later, UncaNorm and Shari came over for a great Chili dinner, we chatted quite a bit about the bike and they also brought the Heinrich tank along. We were graced with perfect hospitality, the transfer of the R100RS and Heinrich tank, and also looked through some old rally photo albums Shari brought.  Too cool.  Later Gretchen, Chris, RJ and I went out for a few beers and to play some pool, where I managed to crush RJ in a few hotly contested rounds of nine and eight ball.

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  • The following morning, we all went to our favorite diner when we are at the rally at "Fingers", the Penn Yan Diner

 â€‹ P1130492 (2)P1130492 (2)

  • After breakfast RJ and I headed out for the trek south, swung by Joe's (where my car and newly acquired fairing were parked), and headed to Lew's to deliver and unload the bike.

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- Welcome "Home" -

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  • Lew was already busy prepping the garage to be able to accommodate yet another bike and a cleared out a work space. I love the look on Lew's face when he sees the 9 gallon Heinrich tank for the very first time.

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  • I landed on a bit of a gem here with this color matched tank.  I'm very sure our good friend Karl Duffner had his hands on this tank at some point during its travels from Maichingen to the US.  

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  • George Bressler temporarily donated this nice bike stand and scissor jack, which we used during the entire build!  Thank you so much George! (That is Lew's 1978 R100RS in the background).

P1130516 (2)P1130516 (2) It's new homeIt's new home

  • As soon as the bike came to rest on the stand, RJ and Lew were beginning to tear it apart. And so it begins.  I am absolutely ecstatic over what the future will bring.  Never thought this journey we would embark upon would be life-changing.  It was!

IMG_7844 (2)IMG_7844 (2)

- The Resurrection Begins -

  • Replaced rear main seal
  • Replaced oil pump cover seal
  • Replaced clutch spring
  • Balanced flywheel
  • Freshened up timing marks
  • Adjusted valves (only right exhaust was not in spec)
  • Re-torqued heads
  • Tested starter, cleaned  (should grease bushings, I don't believe we did this)
  • Installed transmission shift kit (and replaced trans. det. spring)
  • Inspected, cleaned & re-packed steering head bearings
  • Replaced wheel bearings
  • Cleaned and rebuilt carburetors
  • Installed new (improved) breather valve
  • Installed "special" lower steering head yoke (Kinda cool, this yoke has been on Alphabet's, Mark Thrift's and RJ's bike)
  • Replaced transmission gear bearings (found main bearing to be quite worn, some metal shavings in gearbox) - The first "surprise" with this bike
  • Modified battery box, to be able to fit larger tractor battery more readily available while traveling

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  • Good lord this bike is filthy!  Norm was (still is)  quite the rider back in the 70's, I'm sure some of this caked on mud is from Iowa, Colorado, the Canadian Rockies and various places in between.  Some of it never came off, leaving it, love the thought of having Norm's "patina" still preserved here and there.   



  • Home made tool to release the clutch disk spring tension. 

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  • RJ's special "touches" and detail are a common thumbprint all over this build for months to come.  These "fresh" timing marks are fantastic!


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  • First sign of a little "issue", bearing beginning to disintegrate leaving metal shavings behind

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Continue to the next page of this blog here:

The Crossroads


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1977 40 6180040 airhead antique bike bmw duffner forty heinrich karl khm maichingen motorcycle part part1 r100 r100rs r77 restoration resurrecting resurrection rs wings Fri, 27 Nov 2015 20:11:46 GMT
Fruits Of Labor This past weekend the website for voyage Charters went LIVE!  Very excited about this, the majority of photos on the site were taken by me, what a great opportunity that was.  If you ever get the chance, visit the British Virgin Islands!  Even better, sail to the various islands, it is beautiful there!  Ask for Susan if interested in booking a charter with voyage, a first rate outfit!  Voyage catamaran's are beautiful boats, they sail well, are quite fast!  Check out the new website, you will see images like these:

British Virgin Islands

Out of the ShadowOut of the ShadowPelican's flight path, right in front of my dinghy

Frenchmans CayFrenchmans CayLittle fishing boat, Frenchmans Cay, BVI

_DSC1787_DSC1787Casual Model Shoot, BVI

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Anagada BVI British Charters Islands Rock Saber Sabre Virgin beautiful blue catamaran islands ocean pelicans sail vacation voyage water Tue, 06 Jan 2015 17:09:02 GMT
Status Change 3rd of May 2013:

By sheer accident, my mom and I ended up visiting the Vietnam War Memorial and where able to witness a ceremony called "Status Change".  I was not aware of this practice, it is generally unannounced and supposedly occurs once a year.


The Jist:

Each Soldier (KIA), has a Diamond engraved next to their name

Each Soldier (MIA), has a Cross engraved next to their name. 


As human remains are found and identified, their "status" on the Vietnam War memorial is updated, by having the engraved Cross changed to an engraved Diamond.  This was done in the most respectful and dignifying manner, almost could be likened to a funeral ceremony.  

Click here for a few more images


DiamondsDiamondsOne of those incredible moments .... List of names of soldiers about to have their status changed on the Vietnam Wall, from MIA (Cross) to KIA (Diamond). In a odd coincidence, the hand appearing in the picture is casting a shadow in form of a Diamond above these names ....

Diamond CutterDiamond CutterChanging Crosses into Diamonds Final TouchFinal TouchAfter the Cross was changed into a Diamond, one final touch to remove any remaining dust.



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Cross DC Diamond KIA MIA Memorial Soldier Status Change Veteran Veterans Vietnam Wall War Washington ceremony change closure engraved funeral names status the Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:27:05 GMT
The Great Horned Owl Just recently had an opportunity to finally complete my quest for some images of an owl, any owl, didn't care, just wanted to get some owl pictures ...  I believe I got some keepers, see more here:

The Great Horned Owl


_DSC6859-Edit-Edit_DSC6859-Edit-EditImages are of a Common Great Horned Owl.

_DSC6864-Edit-Edit_DSC6864-Edit-EditImages are of a Common Great Horned Owl.


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Eastern Great Hoot Horned MD Maryland Owl Shore Tiger bird photography prey wildlife Tue, 30 Sep 2014 13:00:51 GMT
buickcoupe Hung out with a some good friends yesterday, which resulted in us looking at a Sandblaster to buy. Found this little gem in the Garage ...

1940 Buick Roadmaster Coupe


Buick Coupe FramedBuick Coupe Framed


[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 1940 248cu Buick Coupe Eight Roadmaster Straight antique automobile car Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:04:52 GMT
sunsetsail Xiberger's skipper Harald decided to take a break from Regatta Racing and invited the crew to go on a sunset sail.  Perfect wind, great company, very nice sailing.



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Annapolis Bay Bridge Chesapeake Maryland Sailing boat boating sail sunset Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:14:24 GMT
PropTalk Magazine Cover Image taken by me during the 2014 "Rock On Warrior" Wounded Warrior Project Rockfish Tournament, Annapolis, MD. Every year the MSSA (Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association) puts on this great event, where Boaters take Wounded Warriors from Walter Reed fishing in the Chesapeake Bay.

Cover: Petty Officer Third Class, Rosie Garam, from USCG Station Annapolis caught this 40" rockfish



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 2014 Annapolis Association Bass Garam MD MSSA Maryland Project PropTalk Rock On Warrior Rockfish Rosie Saltwater Sportfishing Station Striped USCG WWP Warrior Wounded angler cover fish fishing magazine tournament Fri, 23 May 2014 15:07:25 GMT
XIBERGER The recent BVI trip has been somewhat life changing for me ... As a power boater, I have not sailed before (besides some wind surfing), and may have caught a bit of the sailing bug.  Shortly after my return from the BVI shoot, a fellow co-worker suggested that i join their crew during one of the Wednesday Night Races (WNR) in Annapolis. It was the first race of the season, lots of carnage caused by the high winds, but great fun for sure. The boat is a 38ft Cape Fear called "Xiberger".  Great crew!  We managed a 2nd place finish!


Great link here, has pretty much all of the videos:


2014 Annapolis WNR Series 1   

Series 1, Race#1   Xiberger seen at counter 9:47 & 10:41


Series 1, Race#2  Xiberger only seen in Entry Clip, footage appears to be from Race#1


Series 3, Race#2  Xiberger at counter 8:49


Series 3, Race#5  Great footage of the start, including a collision.  Xiberger footage at counter 2:14 - 2:28, and 2:41




Video of strategy discussion while shooting the line, prior to the start (RACE #3)


2014 Annapolis WNR

Series 1    Finish          Crew Position   Notes

RACE#1     2nd              Rail Meat            Strong Winds, two boats dis-masted, Sails shredded

RACE#2     3rd               Pitman

RACE#3     4th               Pitman               (humbling, I made way too many mistakes)

RACE#4     1st               Pitman/rail         Wow, what a race.  Jonathan was a huge factor in this result

RACE#5     2nd              Pitman/rail         Great race, good wind, one boat capsized.


Series 2    Finish          Crew Position   Notes

RACE#1     3rd              Pitman                

RACE#2     2nd              Pitman                Best start so far, in the lead the entire race until harbor entrance 

RACE#3     2nd              Pitman/rail           (I made mistakes on Spinnaker douse). Amazing run through the mooring field for good finish.  Nice AYC gathering

RACE#4     2nd              sat this one out   (Too much to do prior to move)

RACE#5     N/A              Race cancelled due to severe Thunderstorms


Series 3    Finish          Crew Position    Notes

RACE#1     2nd              Pitman                Great start, no mistakes, Monkey Dust won again 






So we decided to use the weekend for some race training and boat maintenance. Harald went up the mast to take down the Windspeed sensor which is giving him fits.  He took my camera up the mast with him, took this fantastic shot:






Nice short clip, showing a nice speed run:

Sailing Profanity 101:

Short clip Race#5

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 2014 38ft AYC Annapolis Boatyard Cape Club Dust Eastport Fear Monkey MonkeyDust Night Race Races Racing Regatta The WNR Wednesday XIBERGER Yacht boat boating sailing Thu, 08 May 2014 17:14:04 GMT
Voyage charters shoot I recently was given the opportunity to work with Voyage charters in the British Virgin Islands.  Being a power boater, this experience was life changing for me, in that I now "get" the passion for sailing.  Voyage charters is a family owned and operated business, nicest folks you will ever meet.  Voyage yachts are amazing boats, a dream to sail and to live aboard. The many coves and islands that are part of the British Virgin Islands are simply a magical place to visit.

Company website:


Image Gallery:

Click here to view some of my favorite images from the BVI


DSC_3848-TSDSC_3848-TS _DSC8172-Soper's Hole Marina_DSC8172-Soper's Hole Marina

Frenchmans CayFrenchmans CayLittle fishing boat, Frenchmans Cay, BVI



[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) 520 580 600 BVI British Hole Islands Marina Rock Saber Soper's Tortola Virgin Voyage boat boating caribbean charters sail sailboat sailing soper sopers yacht yachts Mon, 05 May 2014 04:45:00 GMT
Coopers Hawk Captured this Coopers Hawk devouring its' prey in my backyard.

See more images here:

Birds Of Prey Gallery

Hawk6Hawk6Coopers Hawk devouring its' prey

Hawk5Hawk5Coopers Hawk devouring its' prey

Hawk4Hawk4Coopers Hawk devouring its' prey

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Bird Coopers Hawk Prey dove feathers pigeon wildlife Sat, 08 Mar 2014 18:34:58 GMT
Unveiling a new look I have been playing with the idea of designing a "Logo" for my website and to use for client correspondence, business cards, etc.  After a few hideous attempts I finally arrived at one I am very pleased with.  Hope you like it as well ...




[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) AMPM AMPMPHOTOS Andreas Andy Mueller Photos company logo website Tue, 04 Feb 2014 03:02:03 GMT
Online Surprise Today while chatting with a fellow aviation photographer, the subject of "Being Published" came up.  I have the book cover deal in the works, but almost forgot that I was published in print once before with the National Airline History Museum, sadly after a rather sad event involving the Boeing B-17G named "Liberty Belle".  

The museum sent me a nice print copy of the publication that was sent to their membership.  I did not realize that they also had a nice online presence, where a little memorial to the Liberty Belle was depicted with several of my images and a small write-up with credits.


Some of my favorite shots of her:

Ready For FlightReady For Flight13 Jun 2011
In horror I watch the national news footage indicating that the B-17 "Liberty Belle" has crashed in Oswego, Illinois. Later reports seem to mention an engine fire in the number four engine, which led to an apparently executed emergency landing into a cornfield. The crew and volunteers totaling seven, all got out safely, only to watch the Liberty Belle be destroyed in a huge fire that spread throughout the entire mid-section of the aircraft. An irreplaceable loss, major credit need to be given to pilot and co-pilot for bringing her down intact, despite an engine fire.

LibertyBelle-3LibertyBelle-3In Farewell and memory to N390th, a B-17G Flying Fortress called "Liberty Belle".

Liberty Belle SunriseLiberty Belle SunriseIn Farewell and memory to N390th, a B-17G Flying Fortress called "Liberty Belle". One of my favorite shots, early morning sunlight casts upon the Liberty Belle.

Liberty Belle 2--79Liberty Belle 2--79In Farewell and memory to N390th, a B-17G Flying Fortress called "Liberty Belle".

Ready For Flight in B&WReady For Flight in B&WIn Farewell and memory to N390th, a B-17G Flying Fortress called "Liberty Belle". B&W image of the cockpit of this beautifully restored and airworthy plane.

Click here for more images

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Airline B-17 B17 Belle Boeing Bomber History Liberty Museum National WWII aircraft airplane cockpit flying fortress plane warbird Tue, 28 Jan 2014 17:29:25 GMT
Back To B&W Tony Sweet was the Guest Speaker for the "Digital Photography Club Of Annapolis" tonight.  I have been very fond of his images for awhile, neat to have an artist of his level share his inspirations and thought processes behind creating his stunning images.

He showed quite a few of his B&W images, and the post process he applies to them as needed.  It is inspiring me to process some recent images I took in Columbia and Charleston, SC  in B&W.

More images here ...

Two GhostsTwo GhostsCourtyard in Charleston, SC

The CapitolThe CapitolColumbia, South Carolina State Capitol building.

[email protected] (Fine Art Prints by Andreas Mueller) Annapolis B&W Carolina Charleston DPCA HDR SC South Sweet Tony black photography white Fri, 06 Dec 2013 13:40:43 GMT
Downrigging Downrigging Festival in Chestertown, MD,  Nov. 2013

First time I went to this event, will be returning again.  Very neat to see the old wooden hulled ships under sail.

Click here for more images


While waiting for the ships to make their way down the Chester River, we were entertained by "Raggs", a beautiful Parson Russell Terrier playing in the water.

If I had a NyckelIf I had a NyckelKarman Nyckel Bow, Chestertown, MD

Schooner VirginiaSchooner VirginiaThe Schooner Virginia making it's way down the Chester River.

Wet RaggsWet RaggsDownrigging Festival, Chestertown, MD (Nov. 2013)