2019 Annapolis Yacht Club WNR Xiberger Race Log

May 16, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Series 1

2019 - Team Xiberger is looking forward to another year of good racing. One major crew change is the loss of Warren since he relocated to NM.  

Series 1, Race 1:  4/DNC

Four of our crew are still in Ireland, boat did not compete


Series 1, Race 2:  4th

I was still in Ireland, did not race.  Xiberger got a fourth, results were being contested.  


(minimal coverage, Xiberger at counter 9:30)

Series 1, Race 3:  4th

Finally on the boat racing again, interesting race, seemed like there was some confusion on which course to race.  We hoisted the protest flag, no idea where we finished.  Great post race party christening August Moon.


Series 1, Race 4:  [6th]

Tore the starboard car off of the jib track about 5 mins before the start. M:I-2 skipper yells over to us to "McGywer that shit", so we did.  This probably adversely affected our start, another fairly intense affair.  We made up some ground on the long run to Hacketts.  Julian assisted with keeping the jib sheet in place by standing on it.  Interesting moment in the mooring field, when Kalevala was taken up by a Viper and almost collided with a big moored Trawler.  Fun at Pusser's for some Painkillers afterwards.


(good footage at counter 1:03, 3:14)

Series 1, Race 5:  4th

With both starboard and port cars rebuilt we set off from the dock promptly at 17:30.  Crew assignment were shoveled with only the skipper slot being unchanged.  I found myself doing starboard jib trim and really like that position.  Assisted here and there in the pit when needed. Sadly during our rounding Abientot rammed us from behind, leaving some railing and fiberglass hull damage (on both boats).  


(good footage at counters 1:01, 2:35, 9:30 and 10:12)

Series 1, Race 6:

Race got cancelled due to thunderstorms which past us to the north (never materialized) 


Series 2

Series2, Race 1:  [3rd]

Good race, Chuck was on-board to help out with general sail trim (and we made many minute adjustments).  Most exciting event was Aftershock's boom sweeping across out port side, damn near taking out our chute trimmer (he threw himself onto the deck and the boom missed him by mere inches it seemed). Aftershock's Skipper continued to smoke his cigar and was in total denial/oblivion that anything had even been remote dangerous.  WTF.  Race through the mooring field was interesting, weather is taking a turn, storm is brewing up.  Fun post-race gathering for food and drink at EYC.  

Series 2, Race 2:  2nd

Good race, can't remember much about it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ngH7X-hqLU   (no coverage) 

Series 2, Race 3: 2nd

Good race, can't remember much about it.

Series 2, Race 4: 1st

Boat is finally running as we are more accustomed to. I skipped this race for personal reasons.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3g8VevZLMA   (coverage @ 0.42, 


Series 3

Series 3, Race 1: 1st 

Another Race where everything seemed to work well for us.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxY5f_dMZZw   (coverage 2:19, nothing after that). 

Series 3, Race 2: 2nd

Good race, light winds, light on crew (7), lots of discussion about Rattle and Rum's rating and sail setup. Mike ran the foredeck, Bill on Main and tactics, Jim and Don on Jib and Chute trim, Don did mast pit, Malinda in the sewer, Harald at the helm, I ran the pit with Bill's help.  Bummed I lost my Oakley's at the dock post-race.  Which Harald found by dragging a net across the mucky bottom on Saturday!  Yay.


coverage  0:34, 1:38, Xiberger in Background behind Mike Beasley's Rattle & Hum.  Some nice post-start drone coverage.  Watch the J105 start at counter 2;43 - WOW.  Bump at 6:15 - literally.  Xiberger @ 7:09, 11:00 Xiberger in background with blue, red & white kite), 11:20

Series 3, Race 3:  Cancelled midway through race.

Worst start of the season .... We were just about to set the chute at the far weather mark, radio comes to life, Race Committee is cancelling due to weather concerns. Why they even started us is beyond me.  We started the race with one reef in the main, dropped sails as soon as we got the cancel call. Some other boats must not have gotten the memo or wanted to practice some heavy air sailing.  We saw at least one boat with its kite flying some halyard lengths behind their boat. 32knts of wind, pelting rain, lightening.  And then as things go, it turned a nice evening. Here a few pictures.


(Xiberger mention at 02:30, drone coverage also showing our terrible start)




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